The Experts

Posted on February 16, 2019 By

In any case, landlord and tenant must comply with the deadlines. The settlement must be communicated at the latest up to end of the accounting period the tenant the end of the twelfth month after. Then the landlord can demand in principle no payments. Also the tenant must explain any objections to the settlement within one year after the settlement. Cosmetic repairs serve cosmetic repairs and modernization measures, restore the attractiveness of the rented premises. Tasks are wallpapering and painting of walls, as well as the strike of radiators, doors and Windows. Contrary to the widespread belief are these operations but only then, when they have become necessary due to use. Rigid deadlines, a unilateral and inappropriate is that tenants all three years kitchen, bathroom and WC and every five years need to renovate the remaining living quarters, according to judicial Disadvantage of tenants and therefore not effective (BGH, AZ: VIII ZR 178/05).

In contrast to cosmetic repairs, modernizations significantly improve the living value. Policies such as the installation of new sanitary facilities and water – or Energiesparmodelle. Before the renovation, the landlord must put in time the tenant about nature, duration and scope of the work and the resulting rent increases in knowledge. Under certain circumstances you can refuse even as a tenant, that the apartment is to the construction site, point out the experts of the online magazine The conclusion of the experts is: the lease should be accurately determined and evaluated best by the solicitor on disagreements.

A membership in the tenant protection association is often worth. It is nevertheless the conflict, one should agree rather out of court with the landlord before it comes to an expensive litigation. Then, nothing in the way is a good ratio between tenants and landlords. More useful tips about leases & rentals find interested. is the leading online magazine for builders, renovators, home gourmet and garden lovers. 200,000 visitors monthly consult Especially popular are the largest pool of ideas in the German-speaking Internet with over 10,000 large photos, a free 3D design software, numerous expert interviews and detailed special topics with expert tips and creative ideas.
