
Posted on February 6, 2019 By

The city materialization of the urban phenomena Juvenal Martins Grandson/Michele Rotta Telles In the work of Joseli Maria It hisses (2000) we first find one retaken from some authors regarding the consideraes urban sobreterritorialidades, space, place and culture, through the point of view of the city. at as a moment, the author applies such reflections when approaching the partner-space and cultural dynamic in small cities. Therefore, she observes that the product of the produced social relations in the urban space tends to go beyond material and functional configurations, giving origin acdigos and symbols that they provide sensible to the daily one in the city, that is, imply in the process of social constitution of the reality. (IT HISSES, 2000). However, the author warns that before 90 years Geography she very did not enclose the cultural appropriation of the territory, being on to the materiality of the landscape and more visible objects of study in the same one.

She fits to explain that this boarding is on ha limited judgments of culture that were followed, since they had homogeneizante character, static, simplista and abstract by itself. For this, She hisses (2000) points Clifford Geertz (1978, P. 24), which salient that ' ' the man is moored in teias of meanings that proper it created, being these teias proper cultura' ' , and he considers a unitary system of analysis of the existence human being – based in the culture as joint of control mechanisms, and in the idea of that the culture estimates the human thought in movements with other significant symbols -. The author retakes then Peter Jackson (1996), which understands that the culture socially is produced, being tried, contested, and constituted again in the shock of classrooms. As well as James and Nancy Duncan (1996, P. 577), that they conceive the culture as ' ' a system of significaes, through which a social system is communicated, reproduced, experienciado and explorado' '.
