Achilles – hero of the Iliad – or the goddess Athena are some of the icons used in his works. In his criticism, also uses characters from rural areas: I admire those who have renounced the capitalization, the elderly who kept alive traditions. The figure of a model in lingerie adorns a wall of Athens. She is paraded with naturalness, but one of his legs is amputated below the knee.
It takes a precarious wooden leg. To the side, a brief message: the next economic model from Greece. The works of Bleeps communicate collective feelings. The spirit of their work is summarized in a slogan: street art is a social journal exposed to the public. Maybe why you like think of Bleeps as a collective idea, a method to share more than a simple stage name. The material is as sincere as humble. Brushes, spray, oil pastel paintings, templates and paste are their only tools of work.
Achilles walking with crutches these days the touches for the second economic rescue that would prevent a suspension of payments on Greece in exchange for a millionaire indebtedness with the respective interests. The country will need money to the eurozone countries and numerous private entities (i.e., insurance companies and banks). Bleeps offers an alternative explanation to what happens around our in their interventions, i.e., what tends to affect our lives. His art is not only a protest, but a reflection of the deep concern for the future of the society that invented democracy and that now looks bound feet and hands in the decision-making. The goddess Athena holding a banner that says No votes to anyone, Achilles – hero of the Iliad of Homer – walking with crutches. The artist often blended the protest with a bitter melancholy: is very sad to see so many dreams waste, witness how the shoulders of the working class is loaded. Gives much pain to see to the older people live in uncertainty, people without work, separated families and students without optimism. The use of classic icons in current scenarios, in his canvases as well as street art, is a way to represent what he calls national stigma. Bleeps feels the need to build something new using the best of the past. Leveraging identity, a legacy that is being destroyed by globalization. Before the critical environment of cities, escape whenever she can to the field, where also paints often. I admire those who have renounced the capitalization, the elderly who kept alive traditions. I admire the food and the Sun of the peoples. It is there left inspired by the gods, who visit in the form of fallen heroes in a world that forgot them and reduced them, together with its temples, to mere artistic representations. Source of the news: Achilles also comes out to protest in the streets of Greece.