House Lottery Caribbean – Caribbean House Raffle
160sqm dream home with pool and sea views in the Caribbean win the interview to House Lottery Caribbean November 05, 2009 – we have interviewed today Mr thin beer for you. Mr thin beer is giving away a small paradise in the Caribbean. Also this House raffle draw approaching rapidly. So we are particularly pleased that Mr thin beer had time for an interview in the stressful final stages. Mr thin beer, you are with your House raffle in the final sprint. When have we to report to one lucky winner? I have reason for optimism, to giving away my goal on the 2nd day of Christmas. The countdown to the 08.11.2009 goes online.
Then, the buyer decide the rest. You are giving away a small paradise, Yes. What has brought you to the Caribbean and what has motivated you to leave this paradise? I am the youngest yes no longer and I can meet some time ago my dream of living in the Caribbean me. I will not leave this paradise, but separate me only (for private reasons) from my house. I stay on Samana, what is for me and almost everybody who ever was in this part of the Dominican Republic, the most beautiful part of the country.
The Caribbean is far away. Yet the word \”Caribbean\” alone immediately triggers daydreams with Palm trees, sandy beaches and sea. Know about real life, but very few people know. You tell us something about it? Pages in, I could tell what would certainly go beyond the scope here. So here are just a few brief words: here in the Caribbean the clocks tick or otherwise, and even if it sounds cliche, something like hustle and bustle there is no here. The Dominicans have an incredible serenity, vitality and kindness, which is simply repeatedly disarming. Here it takes time for the life and the people themselves.