Electricity Prices

Posted on April 1, 2018 By

Energy transition: green electricity surcharge costs families already 170 euro paradox, but true ever cheaper currently the market power, more consumers will pay to. The eco-electricity levy is to blame for this. As for this year, the Fund to support renewable energy is already empty – since the end of June. It is clear: the next price increase for current customers coming soon! This EUR 590 million were up this year more available than in the previous year, rich 37 percent. But this is not enough: there are more and more eco-electricity plants in Germany and this is all the more likely that more green electricity is fed: therefore this stream must be subsidized by the eco-electricity levy (called also renewable energy levy). While an average family with 4000 kWh annual consumption pays now around 170 euros in the year to the promotion of renewable energies. And although the stock price currently decreases, the strain on electricity customers will increase.

The dilemma: network operators are required eco-electricity a very high, to buy fixed electricity price and market the stock market to a generally lower price. The resulting difference is the network operator from the eco-electricity levy. Decreases the stock market price of electricity, then the to balancing difference is greater. “Falling stock prices are so good: cheap electricity supplier can buy so on attractive terms for the future, the customers benefit in the longer term”, explains Robert Mundt, founder of the independent energy provider FlexStrom. At the same time, there is a negative effect: the operator when the electricity customers get back the increased difference in price for the eco-electricity supply by providers such as FlexStrom will be obliged to raise the renewable energy levy at the customer. The consumer is who pays. It is unacceptable that citizens must pay these high costs.

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