Participants Document
But also information about developments of the PDF compressor, a production and process-compatible solution for document and data conversion and compression, were not too short. The technician health insurance, for example, uses the PDF Compressor in many projects and pointed out that the different areas of use of the software. To complement LurTech informed the development of the ISO standard PDF / A-2, which immediately precedes the publication. Finally, there was the consultant Bernhard Zoller, Managing Director of ECM consulting firm Zoller & Partner GmbH, an overall insight into the automated data and document processing. LurTech in the historical Rittersalen to an event with live music, wine tasting and food had invited for the evening, offered the participants opportunities for networking and mutual exchange of experience.
Also the breaks were of the Participants used intensively, to, for example, at the demo points to present live software solutions and discuss the project requirements. Interested parties who have failed the LurConvention can get the recorded lectures live viewing on the Internet at de/luratech/praesentationen.html. About LurTech: LurTech provides production software and document and data conversion solutions accompanied by customized services and outstanding support. Service and other companies and organizations get the most out of all means of production with LurTech as a partner. LurTech’s solutions achieve the same level of automation and integration level in document processing, as other industries have done it successfully in their production. LurTech’s solutions are without tons of customizing and individual programming to implement and easy to manage. DocYard is a production software for service, as integration platform all steps of production in configurable workflows transferred, controls and centrally manageable.
LurDocument PDF Compressor enterprise is a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector, character recognition (OCR), classification and form data extraction. To LurTech’s reference customers include the service include (Bertelsmann) and Ratiodata, Deutsche Angestellten health insurance fund (DAK), Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen (Helaba), the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg and more savings, the city of Stuttgart and numerous other towns and communities, Heinrich Bauer Verlag and the energy company Vattenfall, arvato RWE and E.ON. International reference customers are including Harvard University, the library of Congress, the Royal Library of the Netherlands, the Internet Archive, and the US air force. Since its founding in 1995, LurTech is a leading provider of open and ISO standards-based document and image compression solutions. These include among others the successful PDF, PDF/A and JPEG2000 products. LurTech works actively in different Associations, among others in the Working Group and standards”as well as the regional groups of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. In addition, LurTech is initiator and a founding member of the PDF/A competence center of a globally active association with more than 110 members. Still, LurTech is a member of the associations AIIM and ARMA, NIRMA, TAWPI. LurTech’s headquarters are located in Berlin, other locations are Remscheid, San Jose, CA (United States) and Swindon (UK).