Washington Square Park

Posted on June 28, 2018 By

In its journey through the streets, activists were chanting phrases nobody expected, Spain in the Intifada, or village is not silent, we know what is wrong. Also were banners with slogans such as indignation, kilometre zero, much chorizo for so little bread, Spaniards outraged the world or violence is to charge six hundred euros. In Morocco, there were mobilizations in Rabat and Tanger, where dozens of people, mostly Spaniards, were concentrated against the consulates to support the 15-M. About 30 people gathered at the Consulate in Rabat and exhibited posters and slogans similar to that are watching these days on the main Spanish squares. Young people, almost all of them were resident in the Moroccan capital, Spanish agreed to regret not being currently in your country to join directly to the protests that have brought thousands of people into the streets. For Nacho Fradejas, Asturian resident in Rabat since January, it is important that people who agree with the movement, wherever they are, show their discontent. Spanish protesters in Rabat were backed by the President of the Moroccan human rights (AMDH), Jadiya Riyadi, Association and one of the February 20 movement members, youth group that has organized mass demonstrations in Morocco demanding democracy and freedom.

The protests will arrive this weekend in cities of United States and Canada, convened by social networks. From the social network Facebook, democracy Real NYC and DC Real democracy groups are calling actions in the squares of the capitals, similar to those which are developed from five days ago in many cities of Spain. In New York, the place chosen by the conveners is Washington Square Park, and in Washington, Dupont Circle people’s square. The concentrations of young people in Spain in demand for political and social change have also been collected in some European media, some of which highlighted its coincidence with the municipal and regional elections. Source of the news: support for the 15-M movement continues to expand beyond the Spanish border

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