The Center

Posted on October 4, 2017 By

Who resides behind that one face? Who breathes under that one name yours? It surprises verte to me to appear whenever I need a support. It troubles to me to feel that, at some time, I am going to begin to necesitarte more of the normal thing. But to continue being frank, I am not going to prevent it. It pleases each to me of your gestures. Today I began to write this because, one assumed that, it had to relieve a thought. But when seeing me writing, the things have become clearer and simultaneously confused, finishing mixing the diverse shades of a rainbow. I cannot think that it goes to write the things that come to me at the top, I will do but it although everything santo day I have been trying to deny them, time and time again.

It asked to me, What could try to write that it is significant for you? What would have to shape to seal now this one for always? How I can make to avoid that you forget a day to me? To avoid that it falls to the forgetfulness with my letters and words. I suppose that only I have left to hope. Nobody offer in the feeling, in the memories nor in the emotion, that is like asking to control rain, the climate and the stations. How beautiful stars are shown by my window! I do not know why I imagined that, would be perfect that you were here for seeing them, to see them with me. In the heat of to get late yesterday in the source of the center, I put myself to watch flowing of the water, the leaves of the trees that rocked themselves next to the wind, and the people who journeyed. Memory to me to have approached until a bank and to seat to me. Also it wishes that you were there. And at night, when going by a special pizza I imagined that with me you were.

The life has changed to me in so just a short time! And everything by a gesture, by small details and some minutes of your time. I do not have nor the smaller idea of how this one history can finish, but an opportunity of acompaarte would be granted to me, I assure to you that it would do I touch whatever could so that you were happy the time that we were together. I cannot think it has written that it! It will be better than you do not see this one letter. What you will be able to think of me? Nevertheless, it does not matter what thinks or it is stopped thinking, because when you assume the commitment that marks to like and to take care of an affection, already it is a privilege. Quererte already is amarte. For that reason I assume with responsibility the gift that gives the life me, this one privilege my privilege of amarte.
