Shopping Fashion And Travel

Posted on October 31, 2016 By

Very good Tuesday morning, believe that after the post about rebates that you can find here, today speak rebajiles acquisitions. How were yours? I for the first time I managed to find something that deserves punishment. The rebejas devoted a day, and the truth is only that I have to admit that it took me quite find something which deserves punishment. I went through all the shops and there were very few usable things. After much scavenging below I present the garments in question, which I decided that none exceeded 20 euros as well so far shopping rebates, two dresses them not even have premiered, I am reserving them for the best time, and the boots are, I think the best buy travel in winter very warm and comfortable. A little late, I know it. But still not end the weekend for just minutes.The idea of this new section came to my small head and it amused me much the idea that Saturday and/or Sunday update with any game that allows to know those who know fashion and it is very useful to train the eye! Do think the idea? Isn’t it fun? Haha I hope you will like them, kisses and good start to the week. Flor.! Cold.

Scarf and hat, which I bought in Hamburg.Metro. They arrive after a long wait, but the Rapids to carry out his duties. In ten, fifteen minutes you’re in the Center.Climb to the Top of the Rock. Precious. Superb views. We’re going shopping. Down to Chinatown; It is China in Manhattan. Great animation.After shopping for fashion as the pants, passage through the Tenement Museum.

Visit and hours do not fit me. Contrast with reconstructions of the MET. Here recalls the everyday lives of the poor of late 19th and early 20th Centuries in that area. Tours are four hours long, and with guide.
