Power Within

Posted on March 5, 2019 By

– Control: He is able to persuade the patient to follow the procedures determined by him. – Power: He is able to accelerate and to bring about the change, in his patient, towards an a positive direction. – Humanity: therapist is itself involved in the therapeutic situation. One is interested in the patient in a personal and affective plane. – Commitment with its profession: With the concomitant experience of its continuous development, its compression and capacity. All the considerations before described throughout Theoretical Marco, take to reflect on the difficulties that present/display the people in their interrelations with the others, within our society, situation this that some measurement could be improved by means of the training of assertive conducts, that as well cause one more a more authentic communication with itself and the people to that they are related; being possible thus to maintain more productive and effective interactions.

Starting off of this, the interest arises to know as the group work could influence the development of assertive conducts and therefore a valid communication in the students. Within the group psycotherapy one of the approaches that keeps major relation with the assertive training is theory gestltica, whose fundamental principles promote the integral development of the man, the authentic expression of their feelings in here and now, as well as the ability to emit conducts with these feelings and/or emotions. On the other hand, the techniques applied within the psycotherapy gestalt allow to a great variety of group experiences and experiences in the present, that facilitate the taking of brings back to consciousness of problematic the individual ones, as well as of the possibility of handling them or of modifying them. It enters these techniques stand out ” ” techniques expresivas” ” , which facilitate the increase of assertive conducts when communicating.


Security In Afghanistan

Posted on March 2, 2019 By

The minor assures that she was kidnapped and soothed by insurgents. In an border zone with Afghanistan. It is not the first case of use of minors in attacks. The paquistanes forces of security stopped this Monday to a girl of eight years who carried a vest with explosives in a control of the north-western tribal zone of Dir, border with Afghanistan, informed police sources. According to the sources, mentioned by several average paquistanes, the girl, call Sohana Jawed, assured the questioned being that she had been kidnapped days back in the city of Peshawar (the northwest). The minor said that the kidnappers injected sedatives before taking it to him to the locality of Balambat, where finally he was stopped. Against policemen In agreement with this version, the kidnappers – identified as insurgent by the authorities they loosen to the girl in the environs of the police control but they occurred to the flight after warning itself which the agents suspected the minor.

In a press conference, the small one needed that a man was raptada by two women and, who him they said they were going that it to use to commit a suicidal attack. This is not the first time that has certainty of the use of minors, even young, to perpetrate suicidal actions in Pakistan. Another case, in February One of the most recent cases was the attack happened the past February in a military induction center of the north-western locality of Mardan, where 31 cadets died. In that one occasion, a minor, whose age calculated near the 13 years, took advantage of his scholastic uniform to deceive the safety controls and exploded the explosive charge that carried in the installation of the Army.


Archaeological Zone

Posted on February 28, 2019 By

How to arrive at the Archaeological Zone of Chichn Itz. If in your vacations you are going away to provide with accomodations in any place of the Mayan Riviera, Mexico and you want to visit the Mayan ruins of the Archaeological Zone of Chichn Itz you can obtain a bus leaving Tulum or of Playa del Carmen towards I crushed. The town of I crushed, nearest Mayan pyramids of the Archaeological Zone of Chichen Itz, is to 157 km 97 miles of Cancn and 120 km 74 miles of Merida, Yucatan, in Mexico. Also there is direct transportation from the airport the International of Cancn Mexico or from the terminal of buses of the center of the Cancun. Once you arrive at the bus-stop in the town from I crushed, you will have to take a taxi, since is a little retired the Mayan ruins of the Archaeological Zone of Chichn Itz and of the Mayaland Hotel. The Mayaland Hotel Hotel offers service of transportation VIP from the hotel to the white city city of Merida and Cancn. If you wish to lead until the town of I crushed, it takes 180 freeway frees or the Highway of Quota toll freeway.

In all the way there is signalling that will guide to you. The two highways are in excellent conditions, but the quota freeway is faster because it has several tracks, it does not have top, it has powerboats and is very well illuminated. The maps do not tend to show so much the highways, but they are close one of the other. If you handle from Tulum Playa del Carmen, is advisable not to take the route from the Cob forest, that of insurance will waste and waste valuable time. There he is better to take freeway 307 to Cancn and of deviacin towards Mayan pyramids from the Archaeological Zone from Chichn Itz.

The way most practical to arrive at Chichn Itz, is in tour. The Tours to the Mayan ruins of the Archaeological Zone of Chihcn Itz includes round tranportacin with comfortable seats, conditioned air, refreshments and bath, the Mayan entrance to pirmides and guide of tourists. In Chichn Itz there are hotels for all the budgets. In the hotel Pyramid In, that approximately is to km of kilometer around average mile of the Mayan ruins of Chichn Itz in the entrance to the National Archaeological Zone can be installed tents.


Global Heating Alarming Situation

Posted on February 28, 2019 By

The past 25 of February of 2009 World-wide the Meteorological Organization (OMM) informed that according to the most recent studies it is demonstrated that the polar caps are melting to a rate much more accelerated than it thought due to the global heating. According to understood in the matter this fact, to continue thus, she will bring alarming consequences to the planet and all form of life. According to durantes carried out observations two years, the climatic change has been transforming the life of the people who reside in those regions, as well as the one of the plants and animal pertaining to those ecosystems. What can be said of the climate? Recent studies indicate that the increase in the intensity of storms is been direct from the diminution of the polar ice. It is a reality the fact that the oceans control the climate of the planet and these have undergone constant alterations in the last years. Any change in them without a doubt will generate a climatic impact and economic in the Earth hemispheres. Speaking of the consequences that it generates the climatic change we can mention the increase of floods and droughts – both contribute to the contamination of provisions of water, human allergies, migrations and of animal – the polar humans looking for higher earth and animal colder zones, food crisis and proliferation of plagues of insects with the cosecuente wave of diseases that they propagate. We see a single example.

Due to the global heating the diseases caused by mosquitos appear between which they will acquire flood relevance and danger. For which reason? So that the mosquitos multiply better and itch most frequently while hotter it is the air. The following thing imagines now: When being including the heating extensive zones, the mosquitos will be colonizing prohibited territories before, carrying with them infectious diseases. Before this panorama, World-wide the Meteorological Organization stressed how important is for the future the balance of the polar regions for the future of means atmosphere and of the well-being of the human race, and invited the nations to develop strategies to fight the melting of the polar caps. It is evident that the threat of the global heating deserves to take itself in serious.


Lost Spirituality

Posted on February 28, 2019 By

‘Women are building careers and making money instead of having children, and family’ – said Bishop Luke. He manages Konotop-Glukhovskaya diocese, the vicar of the monastery stavropegial Nativity Virgin-Glinskaya deserts. – Women do not want to give birth and abortion. This is a global problem. In our country, for some reason all intensively discussed by NATO, and nobody talks about abortion, although they are a great threat to our society ‘. According to Bishop, the reasons for abortion is the lack of medical care. ‘I myself am a medical degree, had been in different hospitals, had even baptize babies who doctors delivered a fatal diagnosis. To say that nothing can be done most easily, but the fight for life …, – assured the lord of Luke.

– The clinics abroad special medical equipment helps out even premature five-month baby, our medicine afford it can not yet ‘. Lord Luke expressed his admiration for mothers who are properly educate their children, giving them the love and warmth. One such mother is Nina Cherniavsky, Head of regional branch of the All-Ukrainian Committee for the Protection of Children’s Rights, the initiator of the project ‘The Museum of the mother. ” Nina Chernyavskaya educates Twenty-five children, each of them a woman in need of love and kindness. ‘Spiritual children, in my opinion, gives only moral and mother – Nina Chernyavskaya assured. – Therefore, through our museum will be ‘held’ mothers who carried the society something spiritual. ” Opening of the ‘Museum of mothers’ occurred in May this year in the Regional Scientific Library.

Exhibits its publications have become journalists. Activities of the museum decided to start with a ‘great’ mother – the Virgin. ‘She did not build a temple – explained Nina Chernyavskaya. – She raised son who gave his life for us. ” To discuss the return of spirituality and joined Olga Krutuha, Head of Department of Family and Youth Department for Youth and Sports of the Sumy Regional State administration. ‘We must create a real family, not the PR-action-type’ I got married ‘or’ I’m married. ” And then six months later divorced – Olga Krutuha assured. – Foster children have on family traditions. Today we have the current problem – the consumer sentiment of some families. When a particular family usurps the status of privileged category, saying: “We must all ‘. As shown by experience, the needs of these families are in a new TV, car, etc. I want to emphasize that the family – this is not a commercial center, is spirituality. ” And what about modern society, remember the words of Nina Chernyavskaya: ‘We need to talk about the crisis that occurs in our heart ‘. And, as Bishop Luke assured that this problem is not resolved at the state level, until we solve it as a society.


Matthias Heissner

Posted on February 19, 2019 By

That’s not fair.” Because even if rent nomads and other rental scammers certainly in the minority, can reasonably be expected to it any landlord, for legitimate personal use a year and longer for passivity to be sentenced so Pasquale Aquino next. Finally, as a captive usually on good, understandable reasons is based. Landlords are people too just the purely private or so-called small among them. And therefore they have right to access within a reasonably short period of time on their property.” The liberals insist that the current tenancy law is reformed. Particularly the harmonisation of dismissal periods has written to the Party on the flags and thus as expected when the Tenant Federal thrown naked outrage. Matthias Heissner and Pasquale Aquino can not understand however this rejection: even though both tenant and landlord will take same three-month period of notice claim, but legal hardship clauses can be laid down, in special cases the consequences of an apartment termination to a long-established ‘ to mitigate social tenants. But basically, we believe that just a marktgerechteres tenancy under the dash for the tenant benefits. Because there is the best and affordable housing where it is still worthwhile for landlords to invest without that he must fear to be strangled by the pitfalls of overly regulated market in rental housing. Now this not just misguided fear drives more and more landlords for the consequence, rather quite to waive the rent. And this shortage and thus inevitably increase the rental housing supply can eventually but probably not in the sense of honest tenants be.


Passive House Goes Olympic

Posted on February 18, 2019 By

IG Passivhaus brings the Passivhaus standard in the Olympic village last Friday the passive Austria presented itself to partner of the Casa Pasiva Mallorca SL in Santanyi-officially as a partner of the Austria House, which takes an important Ambassador role this year at the Winter Olympics 2010: for the first time, the Austria House is a passive house and thus the most energy-efficient building ever built at the Olympic Games. For Gunter lang, Managing Director of IGPH, the support of the Austria House is obvious and at the same time was a privilege to use it: the IG perfectly to offered as a partner. \”Because we have helped in recent years significantly, in the passive house League to make Austria the international number 1.\” That this partnership is successful, thanks to the passive of the special team effort of its 320 members. More than a third of them support the project. You all must be proud of the Austria-House in another, international To be able to show pride, that Austria’s pioneering role confirmed\”so long. The Austria-House gives you a global audience, which is otherwise only very big brands the passive house standard for the first time.

During the Olympic Games is a three times-two metre panel labeled Austria passive house\”on the facade of the House in Whistler/Canada adorn and be used as a moderator for each ORF broadcast out of the House. The passive house attained estimated 1.4 million spectators during the Olympic Games alone by the ORF broadcasts the average daily. Whistler advertises in the future for passive house standard made in Austria\”for the first time is the Austria House after the end of the games not mined, but pass in the municipality of Whistler. She advertises that continue to the passive house standard made in Austria\”, which ensures enormous interest in Canada. Because the diesjahrigen Olympic Games were for the first time as a Green Olympics\”written from the to the Sustainability and environmental and climate protection have prescribed.


The Experts

Posted on February 16, 2019 By

In any case, landlord and tenant must comply with the deadlines. The settlement must be communicated at the latest up to end of the accounting period the tenant the end of the twelfth month after. Then the landlord can demand in principle no payments. Also the tenant must explain any objections to the settlement within one year after the settlement. Cosmetic repairs serve cosmetic repairs and modernization measures, restore the attractiveness of the rented premises. Tasks are wallpapering and painting of walls, as well as the strike of radiators, doors and Windows. Contrary to the widespread belief are these operations but only then, when they have become necessary due to use. Rigid deadlines, a unilateral and inappropriate is that tenants all three years kitchen, bathroom and WC and every five years need to renovate the remaining living quarters, according to judicial Disadvantage of tenants and therefore not effective (BGH, AZ: VIII ZR 178/05).

In contrast to cosmetic repairs, modernizations significantly improve the living value. Policies such as the installation of new sanitary facilities and water – or Energiesparmodelle. Before the renovation, the landlord must put in time the tenant about nature, duration and scope of the work and the resulting rent increases in knowledge. Under certain circumstances you can refuse even as a tenant, that the apartment is to the construction site, point out the experts of the online magazine homesolute.com. The conclusion of the experts is: the lease should be accurately determined and evaluated best by the solicitor on disagreements.

A membership in the tenant protection association is often worth. It is nevertheless the conflict, one should agree rather out of court with the landlord before it comes to an expensive litigation. Then, nothing in the way is a good ratio between tenants and landlords. More useful tips about leases & rentals find interested. Homesolute.com homesolute.com is the leading online magazine for builders, renovators, home gourmet and garden lovers. 200,000 visitors monthly consult homesolute.com. Especially popular are the largest pool of ideas in the German-speaking Internet with over 10,000 large photos, a free 3D design software, numerous expert interviews and detailed special topics with expert tips and creative ideas.


Landlord Help Landlords

Posted on February 14, 2019 By

Rent nomads-man it doesn’t show them! The rental of residential and commercial premises is always a high risk for the landlord. It happens again more that tenants do not fulfil your contractual obligations and significant damage occurs to the landlord. Precisely for this reason that want Central landlord protection database (ZVSD), offer a way to minimize this risk. For this purpose, the ZVSD has built up a database in which landlords can list defaulting tenants, to alert others in the future. Be a part of this powerful landlord Alliance and thus actively contribute to the landlord protection. This service is free of charge, there is only we also have access to an external database of over 8 million people with more than 56 million recorded negative features include the login on the website in addition to this database. Through this high amount of data, the largest of which is currently available, it is reserved, not only large property managers to at an early stage risk-bearing contract bindings avoid. The landlord learns in detail, if negative information is available about a prospective tenants. Here, the collection includes not only data on judicial procedure and entries in public directories of the debtor, but also collecting data from non-judicial order for payment procedure.


Sales Manager

Posted on February 14, 2019 By

This would in backwater, your entire drainage system shut off and when it rains even roof surface water backwards in your House drainage. 3. make a regular and competent inspection and maintenance for your backwater protection in case of need also to work. Once in the month view, take even your anti-flood valve and press the emergency closure. The maintenance, i.e.

the removal of dirt and debris, the checking of seals, the mechanics, determining the tightness and the control function should be performed twice a year by a specialist company in the framework of a maintenance agreement. 4th following characteristics apply to revision manholes. Are revision manholes outside of buildings the cover below the backflow level, these are watertight and pressure-resistant Interior rendering, if the lines in the Open run shafts. The sewer line through a chute is closed with sealed cleaning opening within buildings. 5. cellar light wells should be raised at least 10 to 15 cm above the surrounding terrain to prevent the ingress of surface water. This also applies to the top tier of basement exits.

The cellar door should be a threshold of 10 to 15 cm in height. The relatively low amounts of precipitation by not covered cellar outlets can mostly be percolated. This is not possible and must the flow to the land drainage system be connected, he is against reflux. 6 rainwater commercial systems should be connected to the overflow to the mixing water sewage system, this is mandatory to secure, as otherwise this contamination by dirty water against reflux. In your own interest, please note these notes and suggestions. They offer reliable protection against flood losses at backwater from the public Sewer system. See more news on the re-storage backup and generally to the drainage system on our website under the heading press. Drain AS Alliance is the pioneer in the field of work on drainage and since 1969 continuous improvement, specialization of their work and satisfaction of customer needs have priority at the drain AS Alliance. The services offered include Eatment. Consulting, TV inspection, leak testing, equipment repair, planning and installation of rainwater drainage systems (Rigolen), backup storage, lifting equipment service, drainage pipe location, creation of the stock plan, drain pipe cleaning, individual maintenance.
