Gallegos Nava Education

Posted on April 15, 2019 By

This essay will analyse the central themes of three books that Dr. Ramon Gallegos has written on holistic education and are: learning to be; Education and spirituality; and spiritual intelligence. Learn how to be. The birth of a new spiritual awareness in this book Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava exposes the more general principles of the perennial philosophy in relation to the holistic education. The main motto is the spiritual journey of mankind until the recognition of its true nature, the perennial philosophy is the wisdom that acknowledges the existence of a spiritual foundation for all reality. Through the concept of learning to be you set the relationship between the holistic education and the perennial philosophy, learn be is a process of development of our inner spirituality, a process that takes us from egocentric beings to universal beings, leads to the recognition of our true nature.

Holistic education and the perennial philosophy are two treasures that cannot be separated in the new comprehensive vision of the world. The ultimate goal of education is seen as the development of awareness, a revitalization of our world of life until the full spiritual and transcendental realization of being. Education holistic, in addition to conventional academic learning, recognizes one that is base and heart of all learning: learning to be, learning means recognizing our true nature allowing that the fruits of our inner being sprout. Learn how to be is at the heart of everything new and genuine educational paradigm. The fullness of our being us allows to achieve comprehensive, profound and universal truths, overcoming the narrow boundaries of the mechanism and achieving a new awareness. Scientism is one of the first obstacles to having an education with human sense are that promotes learning to be is reductionist in holistic education, integrity is the achievement of the unity through diversity, the development process means greater integration through differentiation, pluralize integrate, integration is unity in diversity education holistic is a pedagogy of universal love, a process to form integral human beings, a conduit to nurture the best of the human spirit: solidarity, peace, harmony, tolerance, patience, dialogue, democracy, compassion, love, fraternity, etc.


The Only

Posted on April 4, 2019 By

Many people are trying to relax and meditate using a series of techniques and learned exercises. Very difficult to most, and the effect is not long-lasting. But, how let relaxation between, if we are filled with anger, resentment, sadness as much as us Searle? If happiness had a single serious demand something like: get you the vacuum you can empty your sack inside all impure or perfectly negative beliefs that, until now, have you ever considered how essential in your life, I need all your interior space to express me freely and that you can feel me no more interpretations or useless convictions we must first let out the old to make room for something new, and by the way, fantastic for us. Therefore any cube that is filled with mud could fill more even water and expect to get a clear result. Many of us we are not at ease in our job, but we dare not find something else that suits us best and makes us feel more happy or less asphyxiated by fear, by false comfort, due to lack of confidence in ourselves, but also for innocent and somewhat cowardly belief that life is who should be responsible for this change. If you do not let go what already does not work or bored you may be getting good things into your life? Take responsibility for yourself is the only way known to feel live without ever be disappointed of what others want or can give us or not.

You choose to get rid of that very subtle behavior called begging, so hard we identify in our everyday gestures. Dispose ourselves to receive is get rid of everything old and useless, whether objects, customs, beliefs and behaviors that obey the possessiveness and attachment rather than generosity and detachment. Experience the beauty and goodness, enjoy the beauty, has become somewhat difficult because our minds have been educated to believe it and to do so.

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Posted on April 4, 2019 By

Following the colors! The recipe book has categorized foods. Two colors red and green. You can eat a green entry with a green main dish and a green dessert, or a red entry with a red main dish and a red dessert. You can never mix colors. Not never fails! It is so simple. These chicken nuggets look the same but they are not! The first is made with the classic recipe always, but the second will make you lose weight by which two vital ingredients have been changed.

Family will continue eating his favorite nuggets, and you will not notice the difference in the flavor…but will they wonder because they are slimming without being diet! Because this recipe of chicken Nuggets and many more are in the new eBook of slimming meals you have overweight for a very simple reason – are eating the wrong foods. Learn how to properly eat your favorite recipes of meat and fish such as: think about what I am about to tell you, since this is going to change the way people think about diets… A correct diet is more powerful that any prescription pills to lose weight. Depending on what you eat, you can be thin or fat. Slimline by lack of exercise, that is a myth. Slim-line ignorance. No one has taught you to eat, so you eat food wrong at the wrong time of the day.

Using the recipe book of slimming meals, lose weight without considering any meeting, without spending hundreds of Euros / dollars in dietary supplements, without counting calories but eating all your favorite dishes. Small changes, big results. It is true, is no more complicated to eat the right foods, only need to change habits, changing a few ingredients and is now! The way to start to lose weight has nothing to do with hunger or exercise. The truth! You have to eat more than three times a day. You probably hard to believe that eating more than 3 times a day could be part of the solution to the loss of weight, right? After all, the majority of people believe that food is the enemy and what makes them obese. But they are equivodadas. Food is not the enemy. Therefore, if the food is not the enemy, then what is? The food is as a switch for the body. You can turn on fat burning or turn off. So while it may seem like a contradiction to say that eating more often is the solution for weight loss that is exactly that you do for excelerar metabolism. Important point! Your metabolism burns calories knowing your daily eating habits because it assumes that siguiras eating in the same way. You are about to surprise your metabolism to do something that you’ve never tried before going to act in a manner contrary to as you would when you’re on a diet. You’re going to keep eating the same foods, but you’ll lose much weight. For this work it is necessary to follow the recipes exactly as shown in the book. If you do, then your metabolism will burn all the calories consumed. Then burn backup power; the fatty tissue of your body.



Posted on April 3, 2019 By

It has been estimated that three of every four overweight people are addicted to carbohydrates. But what does that mean? In essence, this means that you have too much of the hormone insulin in your system. This insulin encourages you to eat frequently and eat the wrong types of food. Some of the telltale signs of addiction to carbohydrates include fatigue, mood swings, and migraine headaches, which can be caused by low blood sugar. An addiction to carbohydrates can lead to eating a whole bag of cookies in one sitting, or indulge yourself eating half cake at dinner. His body is conditioned to eat carbs as much as possible. Therefore, it may seem that sometimes you are never really satisfied, no matter how much or how often you eat. At the level of the carbohydrate addicts diet, you should eat two meals consisting of vegetables and proteins; another food consists of, vegetable proteins that are not filled with starch and carbohydrates.

During this last meal, known as the food reward, you can even eat the dessert. The trick is to skip the carbohydrates by two meals each day. The authors of the carbohydrate addicts diet believe that, if you follow this regime, you will lose your cravings for carbohydrates. If your need to consume carbohydrates does not disappear in the second week of the program, it is recommended to check your diet to see if the program you are following closely. With the diet for people addicted to carbohydrates, like other diet plans, it is necessary to closely monitor the size of the portions. All your hard work will be in vain if it is left to lead as soon as to indulge yourself too with the jam, even if it is for a single meal a day. Also, you must ensure that the protein consumed is not high in fat.



Posted on April 3, 2019 By

Later in each query monitoring scoring the gestational age, and evaluates the increase in weight, blood pressure, blood glucose levels both before as 2 hr after breakfast, fetal status etc. Depending on the quarter of the quarter in which the patient is the quotes are: in the first every 3-4 weeks, the second every 2 to 3 weeks and the third weekly. All patients are invited to join the Group of self-help and self-management of diabetes in pregnancy, which in addition to being an educational program, allows us to in the form of interactive workshops influencing insulin application techniques, emotional, medical or factors other measures that are negatively participating in achieving the necessary optimal control in pregnancyas well as serve as a vehicle of integration to the patient with his family and other people who are going through the same situation. The Group counts with the participation of medical and paramedical staff of Endocrinology, internal medicine, Nutriology, psychology services, Nursing and Social work. Treatment: According to current medical criteria, the goal of treatment in pregnancy, is take the levels of fasting blood glucose less than or equal to 95 mg/dl and the posprandiales of 2 hrs. less than or equal to 120 mg dl. Studies conducted worldwide to date, have concluded that these levels decrease the risks of fetal macrosomia and breathing difficulty and mejoran complications both maternal and fetal prognosis in terms of its chronic complications. However this control optimum, so necessary in pregnancy, particularly, in this subgroup of diabetics, is very difficult to achieve, since as I mentioned before, these patients are very labile regarding their glucose levels and tend to present pictures of hyper and hypoglycemia even on the same day. Is for this reason that the monitoring of your blood sugar levels in intensive form, through the outlet of glucometrias both before and 2 hours after each food It acquires great relevance, practically throughout the entire pregnancy.


Berlin Senate Airport

Posted on April 2, 2019 By

I support with my signature”the petition. “Does the Volker Perplies, representative of the citizen’s initiative: our worst fears, and even the Federal Government exceeded the plans of the Berlin Senate for a subsequent use of the airport and all involved federal departments but also the Federal Chancellery have behaved so far more than disappointing”. According to Perplies, the Berlin Tempelhof airport is a monument of national and international significance. Tempelhof airport is world history for nearly a century. Tempelhof was the first commercial airport in the world.

Here was the second world war finally ended with the Berlin airlift and laid the cornerstone for a new, liberal Germany and Europe. Raisin bomber pilot Gail Halvorsen said “Tempelhof is the statue of liberty for Germany”. Can it therefore isn’t it, that the Senate before the eyes of the world public opinion from residential and industrial areas “does that on top of that no one needs”, says Volker Perplies. “Andreas Donati, confidant and member of the Action Alliance said: no one of us wants the prestige project, Berlin-Brandenburg International (BBI) of the ruling by the Berlin” Klaus Wowereit basically challenge, even if of course completely clear to us as professionals is, that the BBI project also due to the international financial crisis – currently completely against the wall. It comes to give a dignified and sustainable perspective the historic Tempelhof airport. A selective use of the airports of Tempelhof as Government, emergency and alternative airport (alternate) threatens the new airport BBI, in any case and provides an economic basis and saves cost in millions of dollars the Federal Government alone. The Senate of Berlin strives to date in vain, a reasonable concept for the Tempelhof airport and the noticed Michael Paul, also a person of trust and member of the Action Alliance To submit later usage of the approximately 380 hectares area.

Everything was published until today this is embarrassing, provincially, and apparently only meant to give the global real estate companies a good deal. We know that in a big way on an appreciation of real estate prices in Tempelhof speculated specifically by the Austrian Immofinanz AG, Vienna. Our petition aims not least to prevent real estate speculation”, says Michael Paul. For the success of the citizen’s initiative, 7,500 signatures are required in the Borough of Tempelhof-Schoneberg. The Alliance’s assumption is that to achieve this in a short time. In this case, a referendum to vote is applied. Signature sheets with the official text can find on the Internet as a PDF file interested citizens and citizens from Tempelhof-Schoneberg as well as journalists and journalists under: decision / bogen.

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Dalias Tutti Frutti

Posted on April 2, 2019 By

It’s the interview that we kept the group in 2005, and that I also posted on a fancin ejidense, that by then, I was collaborator presenting artists from the region. For that Edition, promoted children’s theatre group child Dalias Tutti Frutti (now studying bachelor degrees), on the occasion of the workshop that I taught them entitled poetic Recital, and that at the moment, only a poem in Brig Radio has radiated in scoop. Pepe alley. Universal Daliense. Of chatter with dahlias Tutti Frutti how children’s Theatre Group wanted that you arrived this time school commencement, to be able to present, finally, the artists belonging to the Group of theater daliense that the return to have the pleasure of directing.

After having already staged tales of Oscar Wilde, Christian Andersen, and even a comedy of Jardiel Poncela, I am referring to girls Ana Padierna (10 years) and Julia Contreras (11 years), and Gabriel Contreras (8 years) children and Hiscio Montoya (12 years), will dare to delight us this time with a radiated poetic Recital. PEPE. Of the characters, that so far you have done, what your followers? ANA. To me that I most liked to do is girl, a little girl who becomes very sad because the flowers wither him. HISCIO. I the time I have more I dwelt is making Rodolfo the poetic, which is always dedicating romantic verses to his fiancee that happens, is that a rival very flirt me crosses on the road; but I then zumbo him the father of Angelina, that before I have infuriated military (laughter). PEPE.

I would like you to us tell, Gabriel, the idea of learning you, on your own, a poem by Garcia Lorca. Do you both interested, who have studied you? Not desveles his title. GABRIEL. Is that my father liked, and told me that if I was able to learn me it and recite it whole, gave me what I wanted.


New York State Department

Posted on April 2, 2019 By

The most famous T-Shirt now also subject of the world can be personalized! Everyone has seen it before and also a certain story everyone connects with the motif. The famous “I love” motifs has now become a synonym for the city of New York. But why actually? It was the young Milton Glaser, who invented the famous logo with the big “I”, a red heart, and of course the letters “NY” for New York at the time. He used the font “American typewriter” to his motive. Both New York City and the State of New York use the subject for decades to promote tourism. But what’s really behind the history of the incredibly popular and yet so simple motif. 1997 was by the New York State Department of Commerce at the advertising agency wells the job smell Greene issued to develop a marketing campaign for the State of New York. At that time, was graphic designer Milton Glaser, and was hired by the Agency to work on the campaign.

Glaser expected ironically, only a few months to run the campaign would, which is why he took no Gage for the projects. At that time he didn’t know of course, that its logo would eventually will subject of the world to the most famous and most popular T-Shirt. At the time, the motif in his simple pop style was considered innovative and became a hit. For years it has been sold yet. After the terrorist attacks of 11 September in New York, the subject revived. The residents of New York City wore the T-Shirts, to develop a new “we” feeling.

Clever T-Shirt designer invented even new, alternative versions, to pay tribute to their city. Many other redesigns of the original are sold today. Some of them simply copy the old concept and adapt it to a new city. Others come up with intelligent parodies. “I love London” or “I Love My Wife” are popular variations of the motif. A relatively new trend is the growing interest in personalized T-Shirts. Allow numerous Start-Ups to make their users your own T-Shirt and then “on demand” durck and send to. If you ever her own “I love shirt” fashion wanted to, I recommend you You can your own with the T-Shirt Designer by MyLoveShirt I (heart) T-shirt design. Try it out. It is worth. -Peter Forster is fashion designer and columnist for a leading fashion magazine, and lives with his family in Munich.

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The Order

Posted on April 1, 2019 By

If the men did not have opposed interests, would stop being right the order jurdico." 14 In another one of its brilliant 15 works the author reasons this way: " I am sure that in the mind of my listeners the right word provokes the idea of Law; even, the one of that set of laws that are called codes. It is an empirical definition, but provisionally we can accept it: A set of laws that regulate the conduct of the men ". FRANCOIS GENY it says that the Right is " set of the rules, which the outer conduct of the man is put under, in its relations with its resemblances, and that, under the inspiration of the natural idea of justice, in a state of brings back to consciousness collective of the humanity, appear susceptible of a social sanction, in case of coercive necessity, they are or they tend to be provided of that sanction and from now on they are put under the categorical mandate form dominating the particular wills to assure the order in sociedad". Straight he is " the set of coercible norms that govern the coexistence social" , it considered ABELARDO TOWER. The GEORGES RENARD, mentioned by Pacheco, express that " the positive right is a perpetual one to happen: the order tends towards the perfection without never pausing. The natural right is the direction of this happening; a movement is defined by the aim to that it tends. Then, the positive right, that is to say, the order, must be defined by natural, that is to say justicia". ROSMINI deduced that the right is " a faculty to do what it pleases to us under the shelter of the law moral" 16. LEON DUGUIT prefers to define the right rule and there its central idea is on the right: " The right rule is a line of conduct that prevails the individuals that live in society, rule whose respect is considered at a certain time, by a social group, as the guarantee of the common interest and whose violation brings the collective reaction against the author of violacin" 17.


The Will

Posted on March 31, 2019 By

In order to satisfy the diverse needs with the man, the work, then, one appears under different useful forms and from are there innumerable industries. Although executed independently and if obvious relation according to the will and particular aim of its producers diverse the specialties of useful works they show like parts that they are complemented mutually of the general work destined to satisfy the sum with social needs. Each one of the individual offices, that correspond at the most to an order of needs and whose indispensable variety is not from any previous agreement, form in their totality the links of the social system of the division of the work, which they adapt to the infinite diversity of the needs. This way, working the men for others, their private works have, for that single reason, a social character; but such works also have a social character by their similarity for human work generally, appearing the similarity nothing else that in the change, that is to say, a social relation places that them against in front and in a base of equivalence, in spite of their natural difference. REDUCTION OF ALL JOB CLASS TO CERTAIN AMOUNT OF SIMPLE WORK.

The multiple transformations of the natural matter and their adaptation to the different human needs, that they constitute all the task of the man, are more or less complicated. When we spoke more of the human work from the point of view of the value, we only considered the work, that is to say, the cost of the simple force simple that any man without special education owns in his organism. It is truth that the average term of the simple work varies according to the countries and the times, but always is certain in a given society, that is to say, each society..
