Santa Cruz One

Posted on June 9, 2014 By

With the crisis, vice president Carlos Mesa assumes, who in a citation of Vincius Betsur Fernandez Lighter says: ' ' In its speech of ownership, Table standed out the necessity of the search of the internal peace, as well as the importance of the participation of all the groups and all the etnias (quchuas, aymaras and all others). Table assumed, still, the commitment to take the handle a binding countersignature on the question of the gas boliviano.' ' (Fernandez Lighter, 2003, p.3) president Mesa perceived clearly the necessity of the union for ' ' Nation boliviana' ' , since to defend the referring questions to the interests of the country, it is needed a country I join. In 1985, president-elect Victor Peace Estenssoro, already spoke in ' ' union nacional' '. Also we have a past of explorations that had taken the Bolivians to the fear of new losses. To have an idea, Potos at the time of Peru/Bolivia, that is, to the time of the Spanish domination in America explored an enormous one president of the movement to the socialism (BUT), the scene moved radically.

Now some overwhelmd groups had active voice in the politics, as much in the social field, as in the economic one. The cocaleiros, planters of the cocaine leaf, have support of Evo, that supports this cocaleiro movement, being that in the previous governments the presidents supported U.S.A. in the combat the cocaine plantations. The Aymars and Quchuas try to have greater access to the wealth of the country. But, in such a way now in the ascension of Evo, that can be considered one ‘ ‘ revoluo’ ‘ it repulses to the rights the aboriginal majority and promoted sanctions. Who knows from there comes the great difficulty of knowing which is really the identity, or who would be the Bolivian? With the victory of Evo Morales the great proprietors of Santa Cruz, had been fearful with the new paradigm, beyond fearing a possible agrarian reform, what simply he would move, and very, the social pyramid of the country.



Posted on June 1, 2014 By

The Finanzamt taxed the cash benefits, the the rent-free Provides housing for the elderly. Rudy Giuliani is full of insight into the issues. To do this, officials form a so-called Wohnforderkonto on the capturing funded eradication benefits and allowances in addition to the collected capital. The adjusted amounts are also fictitious interest of two percent annually. On the total number of retirees pay taxes. These he can either by a maximum of 25 years stutter off or settle in one fell swoop. In this case, by 30 percent “he receives a discount, Haas explains. Important: Who later again wants to separate itself from riester-sponsored real estate, must again invest the proceeds within four years in a new object or buy freely with other Riester product. Otherwise, the IRS for capital on the Wohnforderkonto immediately asks after taxes.

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Posted on May 30, 2014 By

BRAINLOOP AG: Virtual data rooms preserve the confidential nature of real estate, Munich, July 28, 2011 virtual data rooms are becoming long medium to carry out due diligence in real estate transactions. Expert on the matter discussed in the meantime with the question, whether the solutions offered correspond to the corporate and capital market non-disclosure and secrecy obligations in connection with the bidding process for real estate. Finally, the establishment and opening of a virtual data room requires that regulations be brought to the protection of confidential documents with the necessary openness in the bidding process in line. Best bars in new york follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Jan Wunschel, expert on real estate transactions, SIBETH partnership lawyers accountants accountants, recommends: before setting up and opening a virtual data room the Board of AG or of the Managing Director of a limited liability company must consider following aspects: information within the meaning of the statutory provisions ( 93 ABS 1 set 3 AktG or according to ) 85 ABS. 1 GmbHG) has been made in the data room? If so, the disadvantages resulting from this at a sale for the company, are unavoidable (E.g. the disclosure of legal disputes with tenants)? What are the advantages in a sale for the company? In any case, I advise to be graded.

Not every buyer needs access to all information at any time. “But any prospective buyer must receive full and correct answers in the virtual data room on his questions for information.” Global online access to confidential documents in a bidding process, the potential buyer receives access to detailed information about the structural, economic, legal and fiscal conditions of for sale real estate. Just operating and business secrets such as formal problems in commercial leases or suspected contaminated sites can be as confidential documents in this context of great interest. The buyer needs this confidential Information, to determine the exact value of the property.

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The Moral

Posted on May 21, 2014 By

It evaluates alternative points of view of what it is good and the right; She explores ways to reach the moral knowledge that we need; She inquires why we must act with correction and, from there, she leads the practical moral problems, that they thus stimulate to think with priority. With effect this is a different boarding of that the others you discipline give to the moral problems. Sociology and the Anthropology, as social sciences and of the behavior, describe the human behavior and the functioning of the social institutions, and try to explain them of causal way, to the light them general theories it human and social behavior. During centuries these you discipline, to the side of science politics and of the economy, branches of the Philosophy, extensions of the ethical theory had been considered. But in the passed century, when becoming empirical sciences, its interest in the moral problems more centered each time in the causes of particular and the social consequncias.

While the ethical quarrel and the moral action must to them very therefore, the ethics, while such is interested little in what in fact the people make more and in what they must make; less in what they are its current values and more in what these values must be. In what it mentions itself to the truth of our moral beliefs is one disciplines ' ' normativa' '. In many aspects the ethics are much more on to the religion of what to social science, being the tradition Jewish-Christian one of the main historical sources of the moral inheritance of ocidente. c) The cultural relativismo the ethics is not an empirical science worried in explaining the practical existing moral, but one disciplines normative, interested with the truth or falseness of the moral beliefs. This difference can to the times take the conflicting points of view.


Expansion To Other Countries And New Manifestations Of The Movement

Posted on May 1, 2014 By

Li Tai Po (701-762 AD) wrote a poem of great peace, light and leaves a space for the sacred in venerable poetry with his poem Listening jewish mysticism mandolin zohar a Buddhist priest. Buddhism is a little older scholem than Taoism could coexist in tolerance and in the Chinese territory. Proof of this is Li Po’s spirituality that reflects his respect for Buddhism, which also allows you to achieve kabala peace, the joy of sacred music mystical and to wash your spirit from the vicissitudes of life. In this poem, the poet is a friend of a Buddhist monk who devotes a melody can purify your spirit, while the covers down a mountain landscape. The Grateful Dead concert in 1987 with many 72 names of god deadheads.
Although this movement was of U.S. origin, spread within the general globalization of the rebellious youth subculture of the sixties. In EE. UU. the subculture grew especially from 1966-67 from his home in California to the east of the country and then come to Europe, Latin America and Oceania. The year 1967 was spirituality also known as the summer kabbala of love and then reach a peak point binah in the 1969 Woodstock festival on the east coast of USA. UU. When declaring the end of the hippies in the U.S.. UU. at the beginning of the spiritual seventies, in some parts of the globe newcomer hippie influence. Likewise, in many cases as a step in EE. UU. in the late sixties many people tarot took this influence in a related superficially estetica clothes or listen to rock and or use drugs at parties.
Examples of the subsequent expansion of the movement and its influence are many. In Latin America for example this scene jipiteca of Mexico in the seventies. There was the Festival of Rock and wheels Avandaro in 1971 or as we call it the “Woodstock” Mexican. Chile took place in a similar event, the judaism Red Rock Festival in 1970 where they played among the other bands banda chilena de rock with progressive influences as well as Andean Jaivas Aguaturbia, The Blops and Lagrima Seca. These concerts were a lot of red string convergence to mysticism the mass Woodstock but for example the Festival Avandaro around the idea that the Coca-Cola sponsored and which includes a race car. Subsequently, a deepening cultural daria who would be responsible positions as a social and ecological values to be taken tree of life into account, meditation to undertake actions to achieve .. This cabala included such things as take action on litter in the concerts in the seventies and eighties of the Grateful Dead which was often in charge of these deadheads.
The ideas and the ways that these motivations still continued its course. Some hippies decided to travel for several reasons. ‘S famous appearance in the seventies hippie’s hippie trail or path. Using various forms of cost-cutting many judaica hippies decided to take long trips through EE. UU. or even the world. A route religion was a very popular starting in Europe cities like London or Amsterdam. After Luxembourg, and then Istanbul, Teheran, Herat, Kabul, Peshawar, Lahore and finally Katmandu or the island of Goa in India. still have a Katmandu street known as “Freak Street” in memory of the thousands of hippies who went through there. Others continued to India, Sri Lanka, and in some cases New Zealand and Australia. The motivations for this were many and the reasons why come to a specific city. In the case of places like gematria India which was to find some spiritual knowledge spiritual religious practices-east. Others, like London or Amsterdam was chosen for its vibrant bohemian life, and artistic underground. Cities such as Kathmandu was chosen by the fact that drug use was a legal practice there.
Other routes taken by hippies or were influenced by those of a religious-spiritual search. The case of the Jesus movement that was a section of hippies Christians sympathetic to the positions of the voluntary simplicity but are aligned with the positions of torah rejection of sex and the usual drug of Christianity. Tended to want community situations similar to those of the original Christians under the Roman sepher Empire. Other cases occurred in which some took to the paths of new age cults, neopaganismo, neochamanismo or eastern religions and cults. Religious syncretism was a significant trend at that time. Some hippies hippismo left by these trends. Others do not.
Yoga workshop at the Festival of Nambassa 1978.
Also offered is the mass movement of passengers by car from home Nambassa, New kaballah Zealand at the end of the seventies. In the United Kingdom in the eighties cabbala show strength with the New Age Travelers, who travel around the country touring the music festivals free. They staged the event known as the Battle kabbalistic of Beanfield in which he was conducting the 1985 Stonehenge Festival but this was prevented by riot police, all in a way that would anticipate the movement after freetekno and qabalah techno parties of the nineties and squat 2000. jewish In EE. UU. In the seventies, eighties and nineties, as well as groups of fans appear to psychedelic folk band The Grateful Dead were known as deadheads and followed the band on their many tours around the country in endless holidays.
Some old and new hippies began to appear in the eighties along with a renewed interest in the youth of rabbi that time in the subculture of the sixties.

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Pop Princess

Posted on September 23, 2012 By

Pop Princess Gibson spent years knocking on the door of directors, actors and producers with demos, until the age of 16 caught the attention of Atlantic Records who signed his first contract and began his career. Before releasing an album was playing in nightclubs in the United States and subsequently recorded his debut album in just four weeks. Four singles from Out Of The Blue reached the Top 5 of the Billboard charts: “Only in My Dreams,” “Shake Your Love,” “Out Of The Blue” and “Foolish Beat.”Likewise, the album was successful in the UK and Japan. Between 1988 and 1989 was in the studio recording her next album, which was released in March 1989 under the name of Electric Youth. The album was five weeks at number 1 and the single “Lost in Your Eyes” spent three weeks in that position. Then recorded two albums for Atlantic Records: Anything Is Possible Body Mind 1990 and Soul in 1992. In 1995, he signed with SBK Records to record the album Think With Your Heart.This album, the genre of adult contemporary with a strong influence of piano and keyboards, sold 25,000 copies in the U.S. and 100,000 worldwide.


Conversation intolerable

Posted on September 16, 2012 By

Harris’s thought leads to a benign and corrective form of intolerance, distinguishing it from the historic religious persecution. promotes an intolerable jewish mysticism the cabalakabala conversation kabbalah red string in which personal convictions are confronted red string bracelet with the evidence kaballah and where intellectual honesty is demanded equally in both israel – center positions in religious and non religious. Harris meditation center argues for the jewish kabbalah need to counter the zohar general tendency to avoid open criticism of religious ideas, beliefs kabbalah string and practices .
Harris argues that this conversation 72 names of god and research is essential for progress in any other field of knowledge. Sets an example to those seeking “respect” tree kabbalah for certain positions in physics or history, rather, reason and hope we demand evidence, while those engaged in it are quickly marginalized red kabbalah in these fields. Thus, los angeles center Harris argues that kabbala the habit of spiritual center deference to the religious ideology is a double standard, followed by events like the attacks of September 11, has centre center become too great mysticism a risk .
In an interview to PBS in 2007 Harris red string said: “The usefulness of religion, that gives meaning to life, what makes the kabbalah people feel good is kabbalah an argument for the truth of tree center any religious doctrine. kabalah It is not an argument that is reasonable to believe creation center that Jesus really born of a virgin or that the Bible is the kabbalah bracelet perfect word study center of the creator of the universe. You can only believe those things can or should believe those things if you think there are good reasons to believe. “
