Stoull Rapper

Posted on November 7, 2014 By

October 21 Kharkov rapper nicknamed Stoull was caught in no adequate state region in the club, the fact is that Stoull was a narcotic substance for heroin to be exact …. Where are rolled into Russian rap is not clear ….. not quite clear why success to the frame which starts its way into hip-hop, drugs, and the answer lies behind the screen of the former Art Director Vladislav Stoulla Stonenko, the fact that Stoull left his Art Director, and that greatly affected the incomes for Vladislav Stonenko, it is clear that Stoull was a gold mine for Vladislav Stonenko, and now when drugs entered the life Stoulla fans will be less and it strengthens the hand Stonenko Vladislav and his new protege to the frame Homa, which was fairly well known but disappeared from our eyes, but it may sneer, the truth is not only skorre who do not know, but in this article we will reveal the secrets of the trio

First Vladislav Stonenko not long ago myself soshol with drugs, and if they then soshol with and knows how podsadit on drugs, it is difficult to say ….. Everyone who is overdue HROM_Beatz? Like if you believe that Stoullu HROM_Beatz is his future bitmeyker type is very talented and all that, we are interested in this dark horse who does not is not known, but it uses a drug? and here we get it’s messy side of the four stories .. I wonder if working with Vladislav HROM_Beatz Stonenko? And maybe Stoulla want to remove from the hip-hop industry? and this trio of zgovore. anything is possible. but that verssiya HROM_Beatz that this dark horse that has not last in this business ……………

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Communism Illustrated History

Posted on October 2, 2014 By

This hand gave me momentum to the final table. First, I increased my stack to $ 77,000, which was somewhat above average. Second, pissed some of my opponents who have won the pot. Finally, to my enemies who did not understand the play, looked like a complete maniac. If it did any type of cards at the final table, my image would make it much easier than the paid me. Unfortunately, this is not a success story. As I told the woman at the cashier window in the center of the Rio meeting was the saddest kind in the room who had just won $ 20,000. a I did not have good cards at the final table and I had difficulty finding time to make some moves.

My fate was sealed when I lost in the small blind with A 9 against the KJ of big blind. That pot would put me back in the tournament, but I just was not meant to be, and I finished eighth. So, when trying to eliminate enemies and when you try to go for chips? There are several reasons you should consider in your decision. First, consider the relevance of the pot size. If the pot is small, you should try to delete. With larger boats, I focus almost entirely on what I can to do to win the chips. Second, consider the importance of eliminating your opponent. There was no additional reward in this situation.

If you're in the WSOP main event with 3 players, finishing with one of your opponents can give you a couple of million dollars. Your opponent can also specifically affect your decision. Be more willing to win no chips and finishing with Phil Ivey if my other opponent was not very good. Always keep in mind that isolate opponents with all-in can sometimes be very profitable. Source:. Reilly holds a BA in Philosophy. He has worked in Despalabro Humanities magazine and translated an Illustrated History of Nazism and Communism Illustrated History, as well as numerous articles in magazines and catalogs Italian, English and French. Currently deals for news writing and performing a useful work of translating articles from English strategy to make available the best content available online to Castilian-speaking reader.


Soviet Socialist Republics

Posted on September 14, 2014 By

Before 1991 the country whose territory was the largest in the whole world was named the USSR. I.e. they named it the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics or the Soviet Union, the second title is employed by have been shorter. Then in 1917 was shot down the Tsarist regime and the Socialist state was established. In terms of the population of the USSR goes without saying that all that time lived more or less, there was neither landowners, or capitalists and any kind of property. The average wage was around 120-150 Russian roubles. Good in 1991 the Soviet State underwent considerable transformations. The republics were separated from the Russian Federation to cause of being independent.

So was that the USSR was converted to UEI (the Union of the States independent) first and was then divided into independent States (Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia Litva, etc.) which broke away from the Russian Federation (the Federal Russian SSR then) in rear. Thus was formed the new State Russia (the Russian Federation) whose President was first Boris Nicolaevich Eltsin. Now it wasn’t the State socialist capitalist. Because times have changed. Well how now lives the population in Russia? At present in Russia residencian the richest of all people both Russian inhabitants as the poorest.

Well let’s see how they live the poorest and the richest. The more humble population of Russia anyone living in Russia knows there is more humble Russian population instead of living in your home living on the street to cause since 1992 remain without housing and has to sleep cartinas green in summer when it’s hot and when it’s cold (along the autumn seasonswinter, spring) sleep in some cellars of houses, stations and other places that could shelter them from the cold and freezing precipitation. Perhaps you are asked: how is it? The truth is that a good part of this layer of population on which I have just mentioned appeared to cause of that those people were victims of a fraud that had been hidden behind offers and demands of the real estate. Thus his time taking desire to change their domicile by the most advantageous sold their rooms or dwellings. And let those people in white. Call those people Bomzh meaning in Spanish which does not have his domicile. The richest of Russia. He who lives in Russia is aware that both the poorest and the wealthiest live in that country. Most of the wealthiest of the Russian population layer has concentrated in the capital of Russia (Moscow). Continual jams on Moscow roads throughout the workday show this fact. In Moscow already are neighborhoods where residence the humblest layer of the population. I.e. those who have little paid salary among which are: the immigrants who are both the Paice of the near abroad (for example, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, etc) and other Russian cities. But also be found some regions in Moscow and suburbs where rich people live. The most notable region named Rublevka. About the Rublevka. This colloquial name (or nickname) comes from the same location as this region is located next to the road from Rublevsk (Rublevskoe Shosse) which lies to the West of the Russian capital. There the richest Russian of Moscow and Russia that is live the Russian elite. For u last should be say that the level of life in Russia is very varied. Because the quality of life of the richest is a few hundreds times higher than the of the most humble.


Red Rocks: Music – Symbol Of Life

Posted on September 2, 2014 By

RED ROCKS: MUSIC – the symbol of life history of this group began in 2005-2006. Then the Roman Sidorenko, who is also guitarist for The Brothers Karamazov, he moved from Donetsk to Kiev. Roman: "I moved purposefully – to create a group." According to the musician, it was supposed to be just a rock band, other styles of music were not considered. Gradually the novel found a striker Maksim Malyshev, singer became sister Romana – Camilla, then came Oleg Paszkowski, keyboardist of 'Repair of Water'. "Later, he became my godfather '- said the closeness of relations in the group of Roman Sidorenko. The group has changed several times, and one of the first of its left Camilla. In place of the soloist came Lali, which later gave way to Kristine place. Christina Khramova: 'We have learned from childhood Lali in the entertainment studio, along came a pop-circus (college, ca.

Ed.). She worked in the 'Red Rocks', but decided to go into show business, but instead offered me … it was approximately 10 months back '. Novel: "The original composition has changed many times since hard to find music appropriate to this style, and found a gorgeous musician Vova Orzhakovsky (drummer for the band The Brothers Karamazov, approx. Ed.), it is true then went on tour with "Karamazov," and was replaced by Max Malyshev. Still we had a bassist Ilya, but he often liked to "bang" and I kicked him, and Max brought Seryoga Goraya. Also, for us to substitute often comes Igor Gerzhin, bassist of 'Smoke Sumish'.

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Contacts LurTech

Posted on July 23, 2014 By

LurTech’s solutions achieve the same level of automation and integration level in document processing, as other industries have done it successfully in their production. LurTech’s solutions are to implement with reasonable effort on customizing and individual programming and easy to handle. DocYard is a production software for service that controls all work steps integration platform of production into configurable workflows, and centrally manageable. LurDocument PDF Compressor enterprise is a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector, character recognition (OCR), classification and form data extraction. To LurTech’s reference customers among other things the service include arvato (Bertelsmann) and Ratiodata, Deutsche Angestellten health insurance fund (DAK), Hessische Landesbank Thuringen (Helaba), the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg and more savings, the city of Stuttgart and numerous other towns and communities, Heinrich Bauer Verlag and the energy company Vattenfall, RWE and E.ON. International reference customers are including Harvard University, the library of Congress, the Royal Library of the Netherlands, the Internet Archive, and the US air force. Since its founding in 1995, LurTech is a leading provider of open and ISO standards-based document and image compression solutions.

These include among others the successful PDF, PDF/A and JPEG2000 products. LurTech is actively working in different organisations, inter alia in the working groups and standards”as well as the regional groups of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. and of BITKOM. In addition, LurTech is initiator and a founding member of the PDF/A competence center a globally active association with more than 120 members. Continues to work in the associations AIIM and ARMA, NIRMA, TAWPI LurTech. LurTech’s headquarters are located in Berlin, other locations are Remscheid and Swindon (UK).

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Posted on July 17, 2014 By

Turbine the Vapor Author (you are): Camila Fernanda Marmontel Blacksmith; Joyce Mara Gimenes Gandara Silva; Lisandra Lion of Oliveira; Marcelo Cesar Polioni Supervised Practical Activities? APS Course of Engineering of Orienting Production Mechanics (): Prof. Dra. Liliane de Souza Magalhes SUMMARY the had work presents the cycle of a turbine the vapor. It will be shown the applications of the thermodynamic functioning of same in the industry and also the advantages and disadvantages. As substance cousin it is used biomass, that is a renewable source. Being thus, contributing with the support and making possible the economic process through its internal production of energy. Through studies, we aim at to the improvement of such processes using turbines with pressure controllers, this reducing the problems and the maintenances.

For the functioning of our work, we will use the cycle of Rankine, who is the most used for thermal fluids vapor. Therefore, we conclude that the turbine the vapor, is a machine that cooperates with the environment, backwards many benefits for the improvement of the process, aiming at to the production with efficiency and economy INTRODUCTION For our project we choose as system a turbine the vapor (entered of direct vapor until the exit of work (w) in the axle). The turbine the vapor is a thermal machine that uses energy of the vapor as form of kinetic energy, transforming into energy mechanics the energy contained in the vapor the high pressure, under the form of thermal energy. This energy mechanics is transferred through the axle of the turbine to the electric generator, the generation of electric energy can be made from thermoelectrial central offices. (Removed publication Article carried through for the Federal University of the Bahia). The vapor produced in the boiler through the burning of the biomass is directed for the turbine, with a pressure of 45 kgf/cm and temperature 450C.


Travel On Easter

Posted on July 16, 2014 By

Easter of this year 2010 dates are from March 28 Sunday (Domingo de Ramos) until 4 April Sunday (Domingo de Resurreccion). Many families already have their ticket to travel this Easter bridge, other not even raised to go. The beach, the mountains, the people, touring Spain, travel to Europe, know the rest of the world. You have many possibilities for your trips. Where can you go? What are the tourist destinations that you know? -You can go to Paris.

-You can go to Rome. -You can go to cities of Spain such as Barcelona. -You can find Amsterdam. -New York or Argentina may be others of your destinations. In each place you go can find great tourist attractions. You’ll find many web travel vacation packages at a decent price for these dates, which will allow you to discover places you’ve dreamed of, see places, spend time with family or couple. Holidays for all tastes, for all styles. Agencies put the batteries and dedicated a small niche to the gay tourism, tourism of lesbian, tourism of women, tourism to sporting events, to the tourism of certain social groups, etc. And you to where you have planned this vacation go? Original author and source of the article


Chinese Manufacturers

Posted on July 14, 2014 By

The fact that buy goods in bulk in China – is advantageous for a long time for anybody not a secret. This is due to lower purchasing prices for Chinese products, the high competition among manufacturers in China, a choice alternative supplier, or a product-analog. But before you buy anything, you need to spend some serious work – to find a manufacturer in China (and preferably several) that will satisfy all your requirements. Make it is not easy, given that the number of Chinese manufacturers is quite large, and range of goods produced in China is huge! Where to start? Which provider to choose? How to contact them? To facilitate the search can certainly appeal to a specialized firm – is likely to save you time, and partially removes the responsibility for possible errors. But is it right? You create a business or a distracting new opportunities for existing exists, whether or not to charge one of the most important transactions – the choice of strategic partners – to someone else? What sources of information used by these companies? What these sources are better than those available to you? Is there any information about producers in China are in the public domain? "Yes" – a database of Chinese manufacturers in the public domain is! Specifically to assist businesses and organizations of the CIS was created online business directory of China. Access to the database of Chinese goods and manufacturers of completely free! Using this service, you will: – get full access to all the contact details of Chinese producers – will be able to view the complete list of products submitted by the selected company – quickly find a number of alternative manufacturers in China – will be able to start negotiations immediately – an inquiry directly on the site – you will find, if necessary, goods counterparts. All of the above is done quickly and in one place! Should we entrust this job to someone else?


White Cossacks

Posted on July 14, 2014 By

CARAVAN – Sarah In general, only in the center of Orenburg, I counted at least three mosques, one of which caravan – shed (Karuanharay), historical and architectural complex consisting of Bashkir folk houses and mosques. It was built in the first half of the 19th century by the architect A. Briullov. Caravanserai was built on the popular contributions as an inn for merchants and pilgrims, but immediately after opening the authorities began to use the building for their own purposes. It is Russia's only mosque building, designed by the Asian model.

Unfortunately, minaret and a spiral staircase, which once raised imams are now under restoration. It is expected that the building will be decorated 6 thousand tiles made especially for this monument. Historians believe that at the end works Caravanserai will be the most beautiful building in Orenburg (at least, so says 'omniscient' press). But even now, covered with forests, caravan – shed leaves a lasting impression. As always, the main hidden beauty inside. The octagonal domed mosque with a complex occupies a central position. The architectural ensemble is unique in the Orenburg region.

This explains the appeal of the author of the project to the heritage of oriental architecture: originality of the decoration the mosque arch facades, the types of ornament, color prayer hall (a combination of blue and gold). TRIBUTE. PARK FRUNZE But not only the 'legends of old times' cherish Orenburg, and the living memory of the victory in World War II. Not far from the pedestrian zone, 300 meters from the Gostiny Dvor is a park Frunze, where you can see the exhibition "Salute, victory!" (Free admission) – Technology wartime, 19 units of authentic military-historical monuments: planes, tanks, artillery guns. I'm a little technique that I understand my attention a little house with posters (something like the village council), next to the booth performance of socialist competition (still alive in our socialist past), and the distance – a figure close to the boy's cart, loaded with grain, with a placard 'Bread – Front'. The park is very clean, many colors, I think the kids there expanse. HOTEL 'ORENBURG' That's about all I managed to see in Orenburg, in the few hours that I was given destiny. About the house museum of the family, I will write later Rostropovich, and finally something about a hotel 'ORENBURG', in I've lived. The halls of each floor differed from one another on the third floor, for example, was finishing in style reminiscent of Baroque, and in the lobby on the second floor are a few works on historical themes: dioramas 'Clink of Orenburg "," Cossack patrols' and 'defeat of the White Cossacks'. The impression is that you are in the museum. In general, the memories of the town were very happy (and excited), maybe that is the lot of small towns? Although Of course, not so small and Orenburg, traces of globalization in the form of 'McDonalds' or retail chain 'Subway' there. Or, maybe it is spring with its warm weather, bright sunshine and tulips helped to keep only good memories?

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Participants Document

Posted on June 21, 2014 By

But also information about developments of the PDF compressor, a production and process-compatible solution for document and data conversion and compression, were not too short. The technician health insurance, for example, uses the PDF Compressor in many projects and pointed out that the different areas of use of the software. To complement LurTech informed the development of the ISO standard PDF / A-2, which immediately precedes the publication. Finally, there was the consultant Bernhard Zoller, Managing Director of ECM consulting firm Zoller & Partner GmbH, an overall insight into the automated data and document processing. LurTech in the historical Rittersalen to an event with live music, wine tasting and food had invited for the evening, offered the participants opportunities for networking and mutual exchange of experience.

Also the breaks were of the Participants used intensively, to, for example, at the demo points to present live software solutions and discuss the project requirements. Interested parties who have failed the LurConvention can get the recorded lectures live viewing on the Internet at de/luratech/praesentationen.html. About LurTech: LurTech provides production software and document and data conversion solutions accompanied by customized services and outstanding support. Service and other companies and organizations get the most out of all means of production with LurTech as a partner. LurTech’s solutions achieve the same level of automation and integration level in document processing, as other industries have done it successfully in their production. LurTech’s solutions are without tons of customizing and individual programming to implement and easy to manage. DocYard is a production software for service, as integration platform all steps of production in configurable workflows transferred, controls and centrally manageable.

LurDocument PDF Compressor enterprise is a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector, character recognition (OCR), classification and form data extraction. To LurTech’s reference customers include the service include (Bertelsmann) and Ratiodata, Deutsche Angestellten health insurance fund (DAK), Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen (Helaba), the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg and more savings, the city of Stuttgart and numerous other towns and communities, Heinrich Bauer Verlag and the energy company Vattenfall, arvato RWE and E.ON. International reference customers are including Harvard University, the library of Congress, the Royal Library of the Netherlands, the Internet Archive, and the US air force. Since its founding in 1995, LurTech is a leading provider of open and ISO standards-based document and image compression solutions. These include among others the successful PDF, PDF/A and JPEG2000 products. LurTech works actively in different Associations, among others in the Working Group and standards”as well as the regional groups of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. In addition, LurTech is initiator and a founding member of the PDF/A competence center of a globally active association with more than 110 members. Still, LurTech is a member of the associations AIIM and ARMA, NIRMA, TAWPI. LurTech’s headquarters are located in Berlin, other locations are Remscheid, San Jose, CA (United States) and Swindon (UK).

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