Biology University

Posted on August 10, 2015 By

Paul polished skills as a student at the Faculty of Biology University of Leningrad. Lost in the Zoological Museum, helped there the taxidermist, at the same time and learned from them. And for student of biology, these studies were not required, but Paul was very interesting. Today in our city that he – one of the few recognized by the profession. He has his own studio-workshop, a lot of customers – often those who seek to perpetuate his hunting trophy. Those wishing to become more and more.

Quality made stuffed animals depends largely because, as he correctly hunter in the woods initially handle the trophy. Jacket – the material is very moody and does not forgive mistakes. That is why Paul in recent years through his articles in hunting magazines trying to convey to the hunters about the primary treatment of trophies to hide were suitable for the manufacture of stuffed animals. In order for such information can benefit many potential clients Paul has had to open the site. In the manufacture of stuffed animals sometimes have to hide laid for several days: every strand of wool, each feather should look like at a live animal. The slightest carelessness could spoil it all: work and then can not be undone.

During the work he is constantly looking at pictures manufactured at the moment the animal. Indeed, in this profession the main teacher – is nature itself. Especially difficult to make a stuffed animal with open mouth – you need a full study of the sky, teeth, tongue, lips. That's the carpet brown bear with open mouth, made by Paul, and brought him a few years ago the title. And in February this year at the iv championship of Russia on taxidermy in Moscow, it is a full-length lynx was awarded the diploma I degree. As in any profession, the master is taboo. Paul would never agree to make a stuffed pet, because she thinks it's second gust owner who tries to even more on some time to leave with a pet. In this state, often people do not realize that it is self-deception. Also, there is almost insuperable difficulty – namely, it is impossible to convey facial expressions pet. After all, individual look know Only the owner, who had spent with your pet for many years. Now at Paul already has his disciples, he is ready to work with beginners, he is constantly looking for creative people, but only the necessarily enthusiastic, persistent, understanding that understand the mystique is not easy. He constantly reminds his disciples that the road will master just walking. Have him deal with the no-nonsense approach, when the first people wondered whether the lucrative deal taxidermy. With such Paul prefers to not have as sure: if the first man advantage, rather than enthusiasm, passion, patience, a true master of it does not grow. This applies to customers – he immediately distinguishes avid hunters from those who felt it necessary to go on the hunt, and then brag about the stuffed animals produced exclusively for fashion. This hunter will tell in detail how stalked prey, what emotions had survive. These memories require a lot of time, which is never enough, but Paul understood these fans – himself a hunter. Maybe it's because both demand and art of Paul Glazkova among knowledgeable people that he had not only an acceptable balance of quality and price, but also the soul hunter, understanding the passion and enthusiasm.


Soft Club

Posted on August 7, 2015 By

One of the best known ways to make a Soft club (Quake, War-craft iii, Sounter strike), is Buka ( Truckers, “” Heroes of Might and Magic “). It is worth remembering and Another important thing: to establish a computer club is legally a program needs a special license authorizing its use commercially. Sales of its distribution companies. Typically, the cost such license shall be calculated for each club on an individual scheme. This means that you have the chance to bargain. For example, the company “Soft Club is working on the following principle. The owner of a computer club pays her 420 euros per year for the right to commercially use any of the products available to it, plus buy boxed license versions of each program.

And on each computer that will play a client of the club should account individually boxed. Such a scheme working with customers using almost all distribution companies. By the way, is very wrong to think that working with proprietary software is unprofitable. On the contrary, they allow to provide high quality services, which provides computer club. For example, if the constant failures in the software is applied to your business, you have every right to submit the manufacturer to court.

Such cases in our practice there. For example, several years ago, the owner of the computer club has seized a round sum for Microsoft. Parting words: – I hope that Marat and other budding directors computer clubs change their attitude to licensing products and save yourself from collision with the police.


Concern Ford Daimler

Posted on August 4, 2015 By

After three years of Daimler Maybach set up a company ‘Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft “. in 1889 they released their first car with steel wheels and a two-cylinder V-engine similar. This achievement is highly appreciated at the World Exhibition in Paris. The crew was two-place, and could reach speeds of up to 22 km. for an hour.

But please note – all of these machines do not have a name! Benz’s machine is called a ‘patent Wagenen. Daimler’s first car called ‘motorkuche “-‘ crew with a motor.” Daimler’s second car – ‘car with steel wheels. Without hesitation Bill de Blasio explained all about the problem. ” Incidentally, the same year when she appeared in Vienna in the family of the merchant Emil Jelinek daughter. She was named Mercedes (accent on second syllable), which is translated from the Spanish means “mercy.” While her daughter grew up, her father carried away by car and in 1893 met with Daimler and his company, which has already received worldwide acclaim. Jelinek has become a regular buyer. And, at first he did not sell cars, and collected, and thus stimulated the development of the machine.

In 1898 Elinek ordered a car with four-cylinder engine. This car, driven by himself was Elinek, took part in the rally. And then at rally participants had a strange fashion: to act is not under their own names and under pseudonyms. Elinek took the pseudonym “Mercedes”. March 21, 1899 Elinek as “Monsieur Mercedes” has won one tournament. So the name was associated with the machine. In 1900, the company ‘Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft “developing a new concept car. He becomes more powerful, lower, wider. Jelinek was in such a passion that he ordered 36 cars at once at 550,000 gold marks. It was fantastic sum, and the buyer has set manufacturers two conditions: to give him exclusive rights to torgovanie machine company ‘Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft “in Austria-Hungary, France and the United States, and the second – the machine should be called, as you guessed it, ‘Mercedes’. The firm has agreed and has never regretted it. Since 1902 the name is patented. But since 1909 all products firms’ Daimler “are triangular star in a circle. Due to the fact that the engineer thought about Daimler Creation of multi-engine, this star soon appeared everywhere: on airplanes, fire trucks, buses and even airships. However, all this occurs without itself Daimler. Approximately in 1893 through the disputes with partners, he took his share and organized ‘Daimler Motor Company Ltd “in the uk. True, and there he was soon at odds with the partners. However, the brand ‘Daimler “is preserved to this day – is mighty, luxury cars, which are profitable and the company Jaguar, and Concern Ford, which it belongs. In parallel, developing and engineering business for sale. He was engaged, however, engines – mainly for cars and ships. in 1912, Benz built the first German twelve-cylinder engine. Through war could not go beyond the stage of development of 18-cylinder engines that power the stand developed 520 horse-power. Difficult economic situation has forced the twenties of Daimler and Benz unite, and in 1926 an informal association became a joint stock company DAIMLER-BENZ. Merged and logo – a star and the name Daimler supplemented with twigs, and the name Benz. Joint efforts of the company has entered one of the leading places in the world. At the end of the twentieth century, DAIMLER-BENZ merged with the American Concern Shrusler. Merger, however, lost name benz, but it seems to be not essential.



Posted on July 30, 2015 By

The result was a pyramid scheme. And, quite shaky. Such business in a moment can disappear. Well, if obtained from the gas station margin will be high, then maybe enough money for everything. Misrepresented the number of succeed and return to duty. A sudden crisis? Or wholesale fuel prices jump dramatically? In such situations, the sales of gasoline at service stations are falling, and built on word of honor gas stations face bankruptcy. Franchise Many sellers of gasoline believe that the advantageous location of petrol stations and its technical equipment do not guarantee a stable income. So today is popular so-called franchising.

Medium-sized gas station owner, using the brand name of one of the well-known oil companies, increase sales. As the experience of the Smolensk region, only a transition under the wing of LUKoil increases the sale of gasoline on a conventional private refueling twice. Franchising contract costs gas station owner only $ 700 per year. In fact, this rent-known trademark. First time on you no more need.

But in exchange you can get petrol proven quality. Unless, of course, it is possible geographically. Choosing a company-holder for the beginning to find out whether there is near you-owned petrol station or refinery. Otherwise, it may cause disruptions to the supply of quality fuel. Because gasoline is not far away dung: the capacity of the most common tank truck "ZIL" – 12 cu. m, and more powerful machines able to carry up to 40 cubic meters. m. Keep in mind that made with you in the franchising contract, the firm over time will require a detailed compliance with its corporate identity.


Moscow Business

Posted on July 22, 2015 By

It is impossible to imagine present metropolis without the numerous taxis. It's really almost impossible, especially taking into account the fact that even the owners of its cars in the city often prefer to move as riders, rather than as drivers. This significantly lowers levels of stress, after driving significantly increases personal responsibility, increased convenience of travel. While we all know well that the standard cars taxis – are made in a special way – not every passenger to taste. Much nicer to use at times of corporate taxi service, in which cars are not independent carriers. As a result, caused by a car taxi looks like your own, and the rider feels confident. Disappears at the same time still remaining in our society, the difficulty in respect of travel by taxi "to the bakery." Of course, work in a taxi no special characters to date will require truly significant level of skills and maximum comfort.

Since the additional advertising symbols in the form of classical shashechek on the body or burning bulbs, which attract attention, such services do not have a taxi. The thing is impeccable level of quality work. Corporate taxi without classical shashechek – is today one of the list of the most common directions, the more that this service not only makes the transport of passengers, but also papers, colors and so forth. In addition, the taxi on the marriage or for the maintenance of business partners – is the best addressing the issue of transport and lack of marking symbols taxi firm provides a higher level vehicle for such an important event. Clearly, corporate cars taxi without advertising inscriptions certainly kept in excellent technically and aesthetically beautiful condition. In addition, of course, this luxury cars, which really deserve the most important and respected, even from abroad. With the continuous interaction with the provider of a taxi firm taxi business you absolutely can evaluate all the advantages of engagement cars without markings.

Because they really use and transportation in a personal view, and to move the business partners. In addition, for foreign representatives in most of the options will even arrange for an entertaining Moscow. Today's taxi – it is not noticeable coloring and many advertising information. This elegant and worthy of premium vehicles that provide maximum convenience and with the pleasant outdoor views Indeed business vehicles.


Currencies Suffered Volatility

Posted on July 3, 2015 By

Night view Asia / Europe Bulk sales dollars, the major currencies rebound to levels of S / R Economic agents selling weight DOLLARS USD / JPY remained low The day’s events All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) OPEC Summit USD Current Account 8:30 a.m. 10:35 a.m. USD Crude Oil Inventories to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) 8:30 a.m. USD Unemployment Claims 10:00 a.m. USD Philly Fed Manufacturing Index 10:00 a.m. USD CB Leading Index m / m 10:35 a.m.

USD Natural Gas Storage 1:30 pm USD Fisher, a member of the FOMC, will speak The USD saw mixed results in the evening, while continued to fall after yesterday’s FOMC statement regarding interest rates. After the American cut, the stock market in Asia and Europe improved, also suffered from volatility in all pairs, and there were concerns on both sides market. The data published in the UK, hurt the book, and the minimum registered Cable in New York, the minimum occurred in the 1.5281 and 1.5725 highs in Asia. The Cable to complete a technical correction, with peaks at night. The pair also, also made a correction of 50% from July highs to lows in October, recorded highs in the 1.4194 and the 1.3997 lows. The Euro began in New York firm in the area of 1.4080/90 and the pair was stronger at the beginning that with respect to the pound.


The Good New For Ecopetrol

Posted on July 2, 2015 By

The good news for Ecopetrol (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) and for Colombia, “do not stop in 2009. It just confirmed the increase in oil stocks because of the reassessment of what is now the biggest oil find in the country over the past ten years. a The discovery of reserves that had been initially estimated at 100 million barrels of oil could reach 500 million barrels of oil. The largest reserves of oil increase the autonomy of the Colombian economy in terms of oil resources while increasing the expected profits of Ecopetrol, who owns part of slab discovered resources. With everything that is happening around Ecopetrol is not surprising that their actions increasingly attractive win. On the day of yesterday, the Colombia Stock Exchange closed up 2.69%, bringing the index to a maximum of 14 months in one of the busiest days of the year, product purchases in shares of Ecopetrol, after the news about the largest estimated reserves.

The good news pushed up shares of Ecopetrol in Colombia 4.89% and 6% in New York, rising to be able to enjoy our articles and those who continue to have heeded our recommendations on the Colombian oil. A to Y who have followed the recommendations of our new stock investment report in the American Stock Exchange July Global Value, our experienced international markets analyst Paola Pecora, have seen their wealth increase by 15% in just one month. He recommended two key high potential companies in emerging markets, and if this feeble recovery these companies have risen 15%, imagine how much more they can rise when international economic recovery takes hold.


Inauguration Pannon House: Royal Spectacle

Posted on June 8, 2015 By

Official inauguration of the new Pannon headquarters in Hungary / office building in political responsibility / Norwegian Royal couple in the Los tent was inaugurated the new headquarters on September 22, 2009 by Pannon in Torokbalint, 15 kilometers west of Budapest. Pannon is one of the three great Hungarian mobile operator and belongs to the Norwegian Telenor group. With the inauguration, the 15-year anniversary in Hungary was celebrated at the same time. Since 1994, the network operator on the Hungarian market is represented and has prevailed over the sometimes strong international competition. Due to the Norwegian roots Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit took a detour on your journey to New York after Torokbalint, to attend the official inauguration of this.

Losberger a particularly appealing Losberger built for the outdoor ceremony next to the administration building VIP double stock tent Emporium with front glazing and air conditioning. The covered porch at the top on the long side of the tent served the members of Royal family, the Hungarian President Laszlo Solyom and Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai as well as numerous guests of honour as the grandstand during the opening program. The event was also of political significance, because it is the new company building a pioneering ecological object, where many environmental considerations have been incorporated. The eco real estate in Hungary is leading the way in terms of sustainability and ecology. And the currently biggest environmental project in Hungary. The most important innovation of the Pannon House shows best but especially in the connection between interactive office buildings with trendsetting architecture and aspects such as health, comfort, environmental friendliness and maximum energy efficiency. In containing ecological and social responsibility approach do so Anders Jensen, CEO of Pannon, the company into a pioneer of ecological construction in Hungary in the industrial sector. akos Varga, Managing Director of the Hungarian Losberger daughter, was pleased with the cooperation with the mobile service provider, but also with the Royals. The organizer and the master of ceremonies of the Royal family were extremely satisfied with the inauguration as a whole and with the tents”Varga.


Hollywood Play

Posted on May 12, 2015 By

Warhol knew how to get the refusal to yield to the public space in the truest sense – appears to other people – this happened because of his unwillingness renounce his effeminate, homosexual and admiration for the male body. It is widely known, for example, that his attempt in 1956 to organize an exhibition of his works in the Gallery Tanager failed due to the fact that its touching portraits of the boys were too frank, too shameless in its homoerotic sexuality, and that in the early 60 other New York artists such as Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg as well as well as mainstream art circles, with spurned him because he was too 'feminine'. On this occasion, Warhol said: 'Of course, in the factory were gay, we were in the entertainment industry, it was Fantastic. Naturally, the factory was more blue than, for example, in Congress, but no more than your favorite tv series police I believe that the reason for such intense and violent attacks was the fact that we refused to play along, dissemble and hide. This really infuriated many people who wanted to save all the old stereotypes. I've often wondered: 'Do the people who play these games with image, there is nothing to do with all those unfortunates who can not fit into standard roles? " If the object of attack was homosexuality, precisely as a practice that recognizes the Warhol, the whole Hollywood would have been as vulnerable as Factory. Alarming rather public display of sexuality to the show and the fact that Warhol refused to play along, dissemble and hide.


Marcus Matthias Keupp

Posted on April 8, 2015 By

Annual exhibition curated by Jurgen Blum Hunfeld, may 4, 2010 – Sunday, May 16, 2010 the new year exhibition of the Museum begins modern art in Hunfeld (Germany), one of the leading museums of concrete and constructive art in Europe. The exhibition is curated by Jurgen Blum-Kwiatkowski. In the context of this exhibition, the artist Marcus Matthias Keupp in Zug (Switzerland) will present selected works. His art deals with the identification and illustration of harmonic constructive principles. He uses architectural techniques such as algorithms that determine the positions and interactions of the picture elements on a proposed principle, the golden section and the Fibonacci sequence. The single image should always be a representation of a parent constructive principle can be found everywhere in the universe and which defined the harmonious effect of space, proportion and colour for ages.

Result of this rigorously structured approach is a concept – the image plan-, which are then implemented “explains Keupp. The artist works mainly with industrial materials such as aluminum, rigid foam, adhesive films and sprayed ink. Keupp among others attended the New York School of Visual Arts, where early was fascinated by the severely reduced style of artists like Ellsworth Kelly and Donald Judd. Everything in motion, in a move that gives a soghafte effect some work is with him. That gives this work its openness to ever new and surprising picture inventions.

“And maybe the images owe much of their power and their nature of the fact that they are created while with the technical possibilities of our century, in them, but also a great tradition resonates,” commented Dr. Martin Kraft, art critic in Zurich.

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