Central America
Once again has been proven uselessness of unilateral disarmament as did the tico country in 1948 RICARDO SNCHEZ-SERRA (**) the unilateral disarmament, great desire of the deluded, can be qualified as a great moral goal, but an idyllic and unrealizable pretension. Unfortunately not realistic, because the intention of a country do what is good, but the neighbour has necessarily to be reciprocal. Unilateral disarmament does not prevent a conflict, not necessarily to achieve peace. The world spends criminally in weapons 1.464 billion dollars. The world spends 10 times more on weapons than on humanitarian aid: there is more than one billion human beings with hunger in the world.
Unilateral disarmament is not the solution to the problem, but the reduction of military expenditures, which is another story. This topic comes to collation after the invasion of Nicaragua to territory of Costa Rica, a nation which, as it is known, is unilaterally disarmed in 1948 and included in its Constitution: article 12.-it proscribes the army as permanent institution. There will be the necessary police forces for surveillance and maintenance of public order. Military forces may be arranged only by continental agreement or for the national defence.This decision had positive and negative effects. Through the nonexistence of military spending, Costa Rica has the best education in the continent (and on par or greater than developed countries). Literacy is the highest in Central America, the life expectancy of Latin America’s highest and lowest in infant mortality rate. It is one of the best paisespara live (since 35 in the world) and the lower criminality on the continent.Among other positions of honor, is first in Latin America in press freedom, degree of democracy and environmental performance. What pride for his country and go advantages for its population!But the defence of its sovereignty and security, which is based on international law, left it in foreign hands, in the international agencies, which often have been incompetent and incapable to safeguard peace, therefore, do not practice its role as world policeman nor stability.Many times their statements are lyrical, soft drinks, a mere salute to the flag to comply, with many General information and hints, not going to the grain, flematicas, warm and indolent.
Central America South America
The Chibcha linguistic family comprises a group of languages and dialects spoken by Chibcha peoples who populated northern, and Central America South America several countries in the region. ata one Bosa two, close or fencing, to the three Mica round, different, chosen four Muyhica, braid, black thing, place or branch. Hisca five, bebedizo, medicine six Ta, tillage cuhupcua seven suhuza eight aca nine ubchihica ten quihicha ata eleven quihicha bosa twelve quihicha ubchihica, gueta twenty gueta asique ata twenty-one gueta asaqui bosa asaqui ubchihica gueta twenty-two thirty gue bosa forty gue mica sixty gue hisca hundred gue House muyquy fac field outside Jba blood quye palo fura woman good cho gue is shoots son alma fihisca, breath paba father sua Sun chia Moon perchance land or region gua Monte guatoc broken pcuahasa Ray ocasa truth nga because aguene gue if there is atugue is one only nymy jaguarondi or Wildcat chyquy priest muyquy field quyne bone zocam year (for them a lunar cycle) Za night Sua day Sua mena tomorrow from the rising of the Sun until noon Sua Mecca afternoon from noon until entering the Cagui Sun morning night from night until the Sun Zasca since he entered the Sun until midnight Alla measured Chief of each tribe chircate square blanket chumbe or maure girdle wide liquira small blanket used on topo shoulders large gold or silver PIN to pin the blanket on the chest, and whose head is like a rattlesnake Muisca people cuhuca ear cuhuca chie heard upcuaga tabs chispcua elbow aba corn hica stone pcuapcua Hat pcua language quihicha foot chia Moon gata fire head sysqui upcua eye quyhyca mouth yta hand chue breasts mue Noddle sue bird gua fish ize Ant hica stone sie cuza water comb out nose sica teeth Jba blood sue bird supcua crab xie, sie River hica stone Zipa, Zaque, Great Lord yomsa, yomuy potatoes or potatoes chib crosier cha man, male Educar.org: virtual communities of collaborative learning chapter II the chibcha language compared with the americanas-No languages have affinities with the Japanese, maya, Quiche and quichua-errors of Brinton about the origin common of the Chibchas and other tribes, and the dissemination of its Lengua-comparacion of the chibchan with the sinsiga, the aruaco and the chimila affinities of the chibchan with the talamanca, the guayami and other dialects Istmenos-la migration of the Chibchas came from the North America, far from having departed the country towards Costarrica, as maintains it Brinton-likeness of the works of art of the Talamanca and Chiriquies and dissimilarity of the of others with regard to the of the Chibchas-Similitud of some of their customs. .
Achilles – hero of the Iliad – or the goddess Athena are some of the icons used in his works. In his criticism, also uses characters from rural areas: I admire those who have renounced the capitalization, the elderly who kept alive traditions. The figure of a model in lingerie adorns a wall of Athens. She is paraded with naturalness, but one of his legs is amputated below the knee.
It takes a precarious wooden leg. To the side, a brief message: the next economic model from Greece. The works of Bleeps communicate collective feelings. The spirit of their work is summarized in a slogan: street art is a social journal exposed to the public. Maybe why you like think of Bleeps as a collective idea, a method to share more than a simple stage name. The material is as sincere as humble. Brushes, spray, oil pastel paintings, templates and paste are their only tools of work.
Achilles walking with crutches these days the touches for the second economic rescue that would prevent a suspension of payments on Greece in exchange for a millionaire indebtedness with the respective interests. The country will need money to the eurozone countries and numerous private entities (i.e., insurance companies and banks). Bleeps offers an alternative explanation to what happens around our in their interventions, i.e., what tends to affect our lives. His art is not only a protest, but a reflection of the deep concern for the future of the society that invented democracy and that now looks bound feet and hands in the decision-making. The goddess Athena holding a banner that says No votes to anyone, Achilles – hero of the Iliad of Homer – walking with crutches. The artist often blended the protest with a bitter melancholy: is very sad to see so many dreams waste, witness how the shoulders of the working class is loaded. Gives much pain to see to the older people live in uncertainty, people without work, separated families and students without optimism. The use of classic icons in current scenarios, in his canvases as well as street art, is a way to represent what he calls national stigma. Bleeps feels the need to build something new using the best of the past. Leveraging identity, a legacy that is being destroyed by globalization. Before the critical environment of cities, escape whenever she can to the field, where also paints often. I admire those who have renounced the capitalization, the elderly who kept alive traditions. I admire the food and the Sun of the peoples. It is there left inspired by the gods, who visit in the form of fallen heroes in a world that forgot them and reduced them, together with its temples, to mere artistic representations. Source of the news: Achilles also comes out to protest in the streets of Greece.
Spanish America
After a long travel in wagons, these products reached the Rio de la Plata notoriously Buoyed and frequently quite irregular, since heavy Spanish galleons that should arrive and/or leave authorized ports in Spanish America mentioned above were frequently victims of the raids by British and Dutch lighter boats driven by pirates and privateers. It was clear that this monopolistic system orchestrated by the Spanish Crown with the complicity of the merchants of Lima, as it was raised, was not intended to favour Buenos Aires merchants or consumers. Consequently, Buenos Aires, postponed by the Crown, it was forced to purchase products from overseas not through the official system of fleets and Galleons but through smuggling. The Spanish authorities were very receptive to the interests of the Peruvian traders, who invoked the closure of the port of Buenos Aires. As a reply to this Pact between the metropolis and merchants Peruvian authorities, Buenos Aires traders gave back to the monopoly system trading with Englishmen and their allies Portuguese in an illegal way.
In 1620 was established the dry customs in Cordoba to stop through levies on goods in transit products and money smuggling between Buenos Aires and the provinces of the Interior. For its part, the localities of the rioplatense subregion of the coastline, as current, Goya and even assumption remained mere Cairns of the Spanish authority, abandoned in the middle of a vast jungle. Was almost non-existent outside support for the defense of the region; in Paraguay, the militias had based their mounts and weapons. The boats that crossed the region were forced to sell in small convoys as only protection against attacks from the Indian canoes. These examples constitute conclusive proof of the lack of interest of the metropolis into the Rio de la Plata region.
Dow Jones
After weeks of bargaining in Congress between Republicans and Democrats to raise the debt ceiling finally an agreement was reached at the last moment, on Tuesday, August 2, the same day that the U.S. Treasury had indicated that it would be without funds to meet their obligations. Thus it seemed to have been conjured up the dreaded suspension of payments of EE UU, thanks to the adoption of a plan of spending cuts of between 2.1 billion and 2.4 billion dollars in the next decade. During the week, others credit rating, as s Moody and Fitch which had also alerted about the possible degradation of the U.S. Note, revealed that they maintained its highest note AAA for the debt of EE UU.
However, and despite the agreement, markets they had reacted skeptically to the agreement reached in Washington, and the Dow Jones de Industriales, the rate of rrencia of the New York Park, accumulated this week strong recoil of 5.75%, the largest since March 2009. Possible consequences the new EE UU credit rating puts the country along with the economies of Belgium or New Zealand, and the U.S. media because they have warned that it could take years to recover the AAA rating, as happened with Canada or Australia. It is a decision that changes the game. With Europe in the situation that is, add EE UU the problem is really bad for international financial markets, said Laura LRosa, Director of the Glenmade investor to the Wall Street Journal. To observe consequences it will have to wait to see what happens on Sunday evening with the opening of Asian markets, but experts have already warned about the possibility of trimming of the credit memo to generate a rise in the interest rates with the consequent rise of the cost to a wide range of loans, from a mortgage to interest on the public debt. Source of the news: S & P rating agency downgrades EE UU debt rating for the first time.
Trans Europa Express
Remember the words of the song 'Music bound us together …. " But really the music unites people. Because it is so diverse in different genres, styles and trends that everyone finds something for himself. If you take the genre in terms of and diversity, this will certainly rock. Rock sounds played by rock groups, which consist of a vocalist, guitarist, bass guitarist, drummer and keyboardist. A characteristic feature – a monotonous rhythm. Rock is not only music, this style life.
The emergence of rock music began with the origins of rock 'n' roll and blues. The founders considered to be Elvis Presley and the group "The Beatles". The most unusual genre – electro. Electricity comes from the word Electro funk. The sound of this style can be said "Computer", live music is not present. Origin of electronic music started in the 70s German band Kraftwerk. It was she who in 1977 released his first album, Trans Europa Express with electro tracks.
And in the 82nd year in America, she received a new development of Electro Funk, which arose on the basis of hip-hop, funk, electro (Gary Newman) and electronic music group Kraftwerk. Consider some of the genres of music. One well-known genres – pop music, or as we like to call "pop." His term very difficult to define, as a "pop" means all popular music in general, and it is designed for the mass audience. But it is usually defined as an easy and popular music, often commercial and recreational character. If the "dive" into the history, the term pop music sounded in 1926. The origin of this genre began with folk music, songs and ballads. In the 50-60s in the Soviet Union was made to call it pop music or pop music. Most popular in those days were Cliffs, Troshin, Shulzhenko, Bernes. The most interesting and the young genre of music is – rap. Feature of rap – is the lack of vocals, instead, is recitative. Rap is not singing, and reading poetry as a squeak of vinyl records. The origin of rap started in the 70s, when New York came to a Jamaican DJ Herc. Taking the microphone during a break, he began to talk to … Everyone enjoyed dancing and DJs have taken it on board. Between rappers started verbal fights. The main objective was compliance with tact and rhymes. At that time rap was not publicly exposed, only since 1979, the first group, Sugar Hill Gang with the song Rappers Delight, recorded the first rap record, lasting about ten minutes. It was a sensation. Thanks to the American public learned what a rap.
Isabel Marant Sandals
Isabel Marant Sandals in the league for the Repository that Wallace will play this season. Though I did not say that Wallace would be the starter.8220Regardless of how it works, 8221 Mangini said, 8220Seneca8217s going to have plays in there where he8217ll be involved, and maybe hell be involved with Josh Cribbs, and we can have some fun Marant Bootsith w.Isabel that.8221Mangini also defended Delhomme, comparing him to 8212 wait for it 8212 Brett Favre. From one king to another interception, I suppose.8220When you bring someone in, you look at their body of.Neftali Feliz Jerseywork, 8221 Mangini said. 8220He has an outstanding body of work. Brett Favre didnt play very well for us at the end in New York.
Bret I have former Mr. Charger.At least I have stopped short of calling him 8220Complainia.MattJoyceJerseyn8221 like he is being referred to on the Chargers message boards and other various sites. Canapa writes that Tomlinson has tarnished his legacy with the Chargers, wondering why 8220he8217s swerved and chosen such a selfis.BenZobristJerseyh, vitriolic, ungrateful road out of town.8221The Chargers have remained silent. But Canepa reports that the Chargers offensive linemen are 8220livid8221 with Tomlinson8217s recent comments that 8220everything was taken from a.CarlosPenJerseyway me, 8221 meaning that the Chargers had moved from a runfirst to a passfirst offense offense. Basically calling out his offensive line, who he said spent too much time pass blocking.Unfortunately the Chargers and.JakeMcGeeJerseyJets are not schedule to play in the regular season.Other notes making its way Around the Web on a Friday afternoonThe Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that Browns president Mike Holmgren faced the team8217s season ticket ho.WadeDavisJerseylders on Thursday to answer their questions. One fan asked why the Browns signed Jake Delhomme, 8220arguably was the worst quarterback in the league for the last yearandahalf8221 8220Well, you know what, I can8217t argue w. fenf120709ith you too much, 8221 said Holmgren. But Holmgren did praise Delhomme8217s leadership and said that he would help the team this year.
But you have to wonder if the Browns regretted that decision after new Redskins QB Donovan McNabb came available.McNabb told Jerry McDonald of the against Costa Times that I certainly would have played with the Raiders if dealt there. I would have been at the workouts and working out with the team, throwing and trying to get the timing down with the corps of receivers and running backs tienen y comunicados with the offensive line to get ready for Rosenhaus, McNabb said.
Creative And Personal Wedding Gifts
Let your photos unique and original gifts emerge original gifts for every occasion clear, when it comes to wedding gift for your best friends, should be the gifts any easy. They should be unique, they should be practical, Yes, she should have been like for your friends… impossible you’re now perhaps. No! Because your wedding gifts can be just that. Not just like made for your friends, but very personal and unique for them designed and produced, personalized photo gifts is really designed for each customer in hand work. Wedding gifts just for your friends off your photos, shared with your friends at parties, holidays or just great days at the Lake, you can create unique wedding gifts.
A photo canvas with the group photo of you from your last vacation for example is a wonderful gift idea. This can be ordered in various sizes and therefore suitable for each wall in the home of friends. Not just a photo can be printed on a photo canvas, also a complete photo collage of the best photos of your common friendship wonderful looks on a photo canvas. The photos in elegant black and white, or rather trendy in a different pop options… Not only on a photo canvas is a pop art artwork a very special eye-catcher, also on many other products pop art looks great. Each gift unique. Hannah Lorenz
Event Implementation
The Visual and tactile experience bar making brand messages by event agencies more and more companies understand the marketing instrument to use event as decisive success and differentiation factor in the context of the successful customer loyalty and new customer approach. An event is defined as a goal-oriented, deliberately planned and staged, unique event with tangible benefits and high degree of activation. Central is a persistent memory value in the minds of the participants in this context. To be successful, an attractive story must be based on the event, which successfully transported the brand and product messages. This must be unique and authentic, as well as have the ability to reflect the company in all its aspects and to address all stakeholders in attractive manner. In addition to a well-thought-out design and an attractive story is a successful event architecture of central importance and allows the company, brand or product message three-dimensional for the customers to be experienced. A successful Event architecture creates rooms where customers can experience the companies and products on emotional way. It comes to the creation of a so-called “point of touch”, which pursues the goal of long-term customer loyalty and is characterized by enjoyment, experience, and touch.
In addition, it allows a Visual presentation to create an emotional connection to the company and its products. The motto is increasingly ‘ less is more ‘. In times of sensory overload, the implementation of the event is to produce while a Visual stimulus, but the message clearly communicates and avoided a sensory overload at any time. This describes two important trends, which event agencies in the event architecture must consider: 1) the active involvement of the participants and 2) the ‘ less is more ‘-thought. A smooth interface design and implementation is a key success factor of the event architecture. Only a close collaboration between communication experts and architects makes it possible to experience the brand and an optimal Combination of material, to create shape and color. For this reason it is recommended in the event planning and implementation on full-service event agencies to rely.
These are not only an advisory role to the page, but can also design, planning, as well as the implementation of the event architecture take over. For event agencies, it is particularly important to note that the architecture within the framework of staging outshines not the actual marketing goals of the presence in this context. The importance of the event architecture is often underestimated by companies. But they can decide about the success of the event and therefore necessarily must be considered as an important factor in the framework of the overall event planning and implementation, what can be achieved through the cooperation with professional event agencies.
Harvard University
What are the 10 most important skills that a well-educated person must master to succeed in the 21st century? Every parent wants their children to be successful in life. However, do we know if the education we are delivering them will give them the necessary tools to succeed in life? When winds of change as today, this question is particularly valid. We are at the beginning of the computer was. The rules of the game have changed and not all education systems have been adapted to the changes. The vast majority of educational institutions still operate with methodologies that worked well for the Industrial age, but that are outdated today.
A few years ago Harvard University published the following qualities that they felt was essential so that their students could adapt successfully to the changes that are occurring in the economy at the global level. 1. The ability to define a problem without the help of another person. 2. The ability to formulate questions that pose a challenge to preconceived ideas. 3. The ability to work as a team without a guide. 4.
The ability to work completely alone. 5. The ability to persuade others that the address you propose is correct. 6. The ability to discuss matters in public with the aim of reaching a decision about the rules and established policies and techniques. 7. The ability to reorganize known information and form concepts and innovative patterns from it. 8. The ability to be able to quickly extract the useful information from a large amount of irrelevant data. 9. The ability to think inductively, deductively and dialectically. 10. The ability to find an optimal solution to solve problems using intuition and common sense. (Heuristic) The document warned that the professional credentials were worth less and less. Training and experiences in the real world, on the other hand, would be key in order to be successful professionally.