Medical Centers

Posted on May 30, 2016 By

And the Institutes and Medical Centers, integrated by the San jOse Hospital Complexion of Monterrey, the Medical Center Zambrano Hellion and its Institutes of High Specialty, as well as the Centers of Medical Attention (CAMs) they will continue being directed by Guillermo Tower Amione (MC” 85). The Director of the Technological one of Monterrey, the Director of the TecMilenio University, the Director of the Virtual University and the Chief of a main directorate of the Institutes and Medical Centers, will report to him directly to the Rectora of the Technological System of Monterrey, which will follow in charge of Rafael Rangel Sostmann until their successor is designated. The smaller doubt of the great development does not fit, projection of the Technological one, besides the roll that withdrawn his they have come realising and that the Technological one never neglected when it gave life him to a significant Association in his objectives, as it is to maintain united and informed to withdrawn his, concretely is Exatec association. All this is so excellent, in its roll, participation, as for example it contributes the Exatec news to us, that with the aim of awarding the effort and generosity of different Associations EXATEC and student groups to collaborate with the Technological one of Monterrey in the academic, cultural and sport activities, it carried out the delivery of the Prize Mter Soul, in which managers, employees, students, EXATEC and parents of family of the Institution met. This 2010, in the category of successful Power of attorney of bottoms, the prize was given to Association EXATEC Sonorense by its activities oriented to the continuous improvement of its members and to the well-being of its community. In order to fulfill this aim they organize events like Night of Restaurants or the Desentilicha Course your house Friendly Aligera your life with which they managed to completely collect grants by 766 thousand 230 pesos destined to the Withdrawn Network of Philanthropy of and of the Complexion.

It received the recognition Cecilia Bours Martinez (LSCA” 84, MA” 86), president of the Association. The Association EXATEC Yucatan, that presides over Ricardo Ascencio Maldonado (IAA” 83) and who received the prize in representation of the Association, were recognized in constant philanthropic the Participation category when realising diverse activities with the purpose of to support initiatives of the Technological one of Monterrey like the Communitarian Centers of Social Learning and Incubators. Between the activities that organized it is Encuentro de Negocios EXATEC. In the category New initiative in philanthropy, the Prize Soul Mter 2010 was for the Association EXATEC Seattle, that works at the moment in the Ex–to-Grant a scholarship campaign towards the 70 Anniversary, with which they have seted out to collect 250 thousand dollars for 2013 and to donate them to his soul to mter in 70 anniversary of the Institution. The project for the collection of bottoms was born to suggestion of advisor Pedro Celis Villegas (ISC” 79). In representation of Association EXATEC Seattle the teacher Elda Quiroga Gonzlez (ISC” received the recognition; 87, MCC” 91). Doubtless, the Technological one of Monterrey is interesting case of study, especially, how this one has consolidated, developed, projected, it stays to the day in all the educative technical advances and how it has contributed to great aid for many not only for Mexico but other countries where withdrawn his they have collaborated significantly in his development. We did not doubt that the Technological one always will be taking the opportunities and its growth will be increasing.


Botanical Gardens

Posted on May 29, 2016 By

In the inner galleries there are reproductions of architectonic examples that detail the complexity of the construction. A exhibition with newspapers, impressions, watercolors, photos and written testifies the influence of the Alhambra in artists of centuries XVI to the XX. The gardens of the Alhambra of Granada they were created to represent the Earth paradise, for that reason they persecute the pleasure of the senses. For the sense of smell, the aromatic plants and the flowers; the color, the light and the shade are a gift for the view; for the tact, the textures of the most select materials; for the taste, the flavor of the fruit that grows in the trees. The complicated hydraulic system makes the most delicate sources possible, than they miman the ear.

In the construction and later extensions always it was sought to adorn with care until the last space. The ceramic walls are crowded of yeseras and with vegetal reasons and calligraphic. The covers are protected by wrought wood and many of the inner arcs are false and its unique aim is solaz of contemplates that them. The Botanical Garden of New York pays tribute to the exuberance and sophistication of one of the most important constructions of history with a sample of plants, decorative elements, manuscripts, paintings, photos, objects and poetry related to the granadino palace-strength. Spanish Paradise: Gardens of the Alhambra (Spanish Paradise: gardens of the Alhambra) are the botanical part of this celebration, that evokes the aesthetic one, the colors and the aromas that this andalus Arcadia concentrates. Rosemary, coves, lemon trees and palms date palms the interpretation of the mythical gardens of the walled city occupy about 1,400 squared meters of the surface of the enclosure. Architectonic plants, sources and elements are combined to give an idea of how the monument continues being an example of harmony between the nature and the design.


Vernier-lecture In The Meisterschule Optonia

Posted on May 28, 2016 By

“The workshop in eye optics economic benefits by insert service workshop in eye optics”, was the theme, the Nicole Peters, optometrist champion and owner of Nonius E.k.. on 7 April 2013 following the 25 years anniversary of Optonia, the private College of optics and optometry in Diez, the current master classes brought closer. The goal of the presentation was to give an impression the master students, such as the workshop in the practice looks and what economic opportunities that may arise through a loop service. Vernier operates a workshop – and loop service for opticians and optical businesses and so the pupil of Optonia in the presentation received very specific practical insights into the opportunities of the workshop. In particular, Peters talked about commercial thinking, investment costs, restrictions on remote form edge and the nationwide lack of personnel in the optician craft. She was also in detail on the specific situation for An entrepreneur: the chances of a successful business of your own optics are very different depending on the location and volume of orders.

Added additional factors such as the initial investment in the own workshop, which can represent a significant financial burden for incipient opticians. From a business perspective, I realized that his own workshop for many opticians are too costly. The time that must find opticians for the workshop, ultimately lacking in customer service, “explains the reason why she made independently with an own workshop service four years ago Nicole Peters. The lecture ended with a rain discussion, in which the master student asked detailed questions regarding loop service and exchanged with each other already existing experiences.


Shannen Doherty Completo Relationship Gets A Show

Posted on May 21, 2016 By

NEW YORK, July 21 (UPI) WE tv says it has ordered a new, 1-hour docu-series tentatively called “The Shannen Doherty Project” and starring the Hollywood actress. The eight-part series will be about Doherty completo relationship with photographer Kurt “Beverly Hills, 90210” alum Shannen Doherty will chronicle her upcoming wedding to celebrity photographer Kurt Iswarienko on a new eight-episode reality series for WeTV. With a working title of “The Shannen Doherty Project,” the 40-year-old actress’s Shannen Doherty, the wild-eyed (in more ways than one) bad girl of ‘ 90s primetime soap operas, is returning to the airwaves! She’ll be playing the best role of all, her crazy crazy self, in a new WE reality show about her preparing for her marriage Right Celebrity Shannen Doherty Lands Reality TV Gig Celebrity VIP Lounge Sarah Michelle Gellar Times Two In Ringer The Justin Bieber has been working as hard as those tired looking ponies at the fair and has decided to take a month off. Shannen Doherty of “Beverly Hills, 90210” returns to TV in a new reality series on WE. The one-hour show, tentatively titled “The Shannen Doherty Project,” will showcase Doherty completo relationship with photographer Kurt

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Lehman Brothers Market

Posted on May 17, 2016 By

ECONOMIC SCENE SEPTEMBER OF 2009 Welinton Dos Santos is economist After one year of the weather that devastated the financial market, Brazil leaves strong more the international crisis, as much in economic projections as that politics. The country passed for a period of instability, but it reacted fast to the problems that had appeared of the demand fall. The nightmare biggest without a doubt some had been the lost jobs in the period provoked by the fall of the international demand that impactou on the exporting Brazilian companies, where some pursuings still is looking for alternative of support in this complex system of market. In the region of the Baltic sea, countries suffer with fall of 30% of the GIP (joint of all the wealth of the economy) provoked by the lack of credits and the protectionism of the European economies. The levels are next the decade> of 30. In day 15 of September of 2008, we live the bank in addition of investments Lehman Brothers and to follow the sales of Merrill Lynch, two of four giants of New York beyond the 77 bank in addition up to 19 of August of 2009, in U.S.A., that an escape of capitals of some countries provoked, diffidence of the investors and affected directly offers of credit for the companies and consequentemente it provoked the fall of the GIP of some countries, in the reduction of the demand the International for products and services. The effect of this was the raised volume of unemployment provoked for the fall in the exportations in the world-wide economy in 2009. An example of this preoccupying economic scene was to the fall of the volume of production and sales of vehicles in the American market, according to data of the ANFAVEA the production in U.S.A.


State Commission

Posted on May 15, 2016 By

Unfortunately, in most cases, the necessary measures, not of an advisory character. Destruction and protection against mold depend on the specific tools selected and defined instructions for its use. These works must be a nexus. Ensure effective destruction and protect the quality of a simple spray (smoke, illumination, etc.) is fundamentally impossible. When removing mold is recommended to handle not only the affected areas, but all the premises (Prevention of surfaces with no visible lesions), as spores, which multiplies the fungus already present in the air at high concentrations and can infect an unprotected surface in any other favorable location. When carrying out construction and repair works recommended preventive treatment facilities. The first thing to handle those places that are most likely to occur damp kitchen, bathroom, toilet, balcony, basement, north side of your apartment or room space, where the seams and corners of the building.

SAFE ROOM. BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS As of today, it is clear – the scientific achievements in able to provide a high quality of our lives, the things around us, their production processes. Focus attention on the quality of our accommodation and facilities, in which we operate, meaning the quality of their microbiological condition, durability and safety for human health. The first thing that catches your eye is the fact that a number of factors which, today, in terms of science, can greatly affect the performance characteristics, the safety of buildings, impact on human health, not only are not included in building codes (SNIP), but also for the production of works largely exacerbate. Today, one of the main factors affecting human health, is the microbiological condition of premises. With the construction of new buildings and facilities, as well as the renovation of old housing stock satisfies all building code rules that allow the developer to hand over the object of the State Commission, and put it on a balance of operational service.

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German PBS

Posted on May 3, 2016 By

Experts see a consolidation of the market for PBS the German PBS market can be described confidently with a volume of 16.1 billion as an industry heavyweight. For this purpose the private market draws less but responsible, but rather the percentage of commercial demand, which is very high with 60 to 70%. At the same time this high level refers to a high fragility of the PBS market what was 2009 impressively clear light in the year. The decline of in sales of almost 8% was already record. In many ranges, significant losses were realized, still could not be compensated until today despite the outstanding economic and sales figures.

This should be the case though 2012. Overall growth of PBS products amounted to 5.6% in the last year. “Trend a focus in the foreground has moved currently: sustainability in every nook and cranny”. Certified papers, tapes of completely recycled substrate toner with eco versions, shredder with dust absorption are just a few examples This trend. A consolidation is market more for years to come. So, IBH retail for this year’s experts expect a growth of slightly more than 2%, and later by just under 2%. But against the backdrop of the crisis, the rapid recovery of the market itself for the insiders of the industry was completely unexpected. Larger question mark behind but the flagship of the industry behind the assortment of Office communication papers”.

In terms of turnover this group takes 56% of the total turnover of PBS, followed by mapping/archiving”(15.4%) and Office consumables” (5.5%). The slump in sales was only 11%, but volume enormously hit record. From an other point of view, the papers are currently on everyone’s lips. The specialist for printing and copying is a success factor in the so-called managed print services (MPS), document management and archiving. In case of favourable trade here realized cost reductions themselves, as well as at the customer.

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Interdepartmental Commission

Posted on April 18, 2016 By

Baikal Pulp sued for damages caused to the water body as a result of the unauthorized discharge of pollutants. Carried out over a month ago check the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Lake Baikal showed that the concentration of pollutants in the wastewater entering the lake Baikal, the individual items exceeded a thousand times. November 3 expired license for water use and other documents issued by OAO Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. ” Deputy Head of Rosprirodnadzor Mitvol said that the damage to Baikal, from 4 to November 11, 2007 year amounted to over 475 million rubles. Sixth of December it came to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Interior Ministry.

Discussed at the Bali global warming conference under the auspices of the UN dedicated to climate change, beginning in Monday his work on the island of Bali, which was under threat of extinction due to the effects of global climate change. The main objective of the conference was to develop a new international treaty on counteract global warming. This agreement should replace the Kyoto Protocol, the effect of which expires in 2012. The conference was attended by about 10 thousand people from 192 countries, among them scientists, journalists, representatives of environmental organizations. The delegation of the Russian government at the meeting headed by the head of Rosgidromet Alexander Bedritsky. ‘According to experts, the prevention of serious global change on the planet over the next three decades, the world would cost just 0.1% of gross domestic product. Scientific studies show that the needs of the energy sector can be reduced by half in For several decades, using modern technology and alternative energy sources “- said in New York, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon reporters, referring to a report on climate, won the Nobel prize in this year. On Saturday he flew to Bali to attend a high-level meeting, which was the conclusion of the conference.

Along the coast of South Korea’s oil spill collected 10 000 tonnes of oil from the damaged tanker vylivsheysya in the Yellow Sea reached the western coast on Saturday, South Korea. Coast office and volunteers are busy preventing the further spread of oil spill, whose length reached 20 kilometrov.Odnako of the strong wind it continues to move. It is the largest oil spill in South Korean banks. Oil threatens the picturesque area of 100 kilometers long coastline to the south-west of the capital Seoul. Japanese scientists discovered that chimpanzees smarter Students Memory apes chimpanzees no worse than many Japanese students. These are the test data conducted by researchers of the University of Kyoto. The experiment involved a group of young men and three pairs of chimpanzees. Participants have been testing the memory to restore the sequence of numbers in a particular table on the screen. Trained monkeys performed the test figures are much faster and more accurate the majority of students. Scientists note that we underestimate the degree of intelligence of our closest relatives, believing that in matters of memory and other mental problems chimpanzee lag far behind the man. “People, including many biologists still believe that a man ahead of chimpanzees in all areas related to brain activity, – said one of the organizers of the test. – No one could not imagine that chimpanzees – young chimpanzees, five years of age – can cope with the test for memory better people.

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Frankfurt Motor Show

Posted on April 8, 2016 By

The new F-Type is so essential to the company such as 911 Porsche, according to Adrian Hallmark, global director of brand Jaguar, which also revealed that it will go on sale in the middle of next year as a roadster. Recalling the famous E-Type of the 1960s in his philosophy, the new car represents a change in the name in the strategy of Jaguar, with the logo F-Type, eventually used in a sports car in production of more than 50 years after the E-Type escapes on sale. already saw the fixed roof of C – 16 X coupe concept last September at the Frankfurt Motor Show and the positive response from the media and the public led by Jaguar to accelerate the development programme. this will be the first Jaguar sports car for more than 50 years, said Hallmark. Why we type F chose? Because if you look at the C, D and E-Type, these names have always been models more Jaguar temptresses. The F-Type is the next step of our long tradition of sports cars. Jaguar released the first images of the new roadster from New York, in a decor that is formed by the letters F-Type. Callum, said: sometimes a production car can be a big disappointment after having seen the concept, but 95 percent of the C – 16 X are included in the F-Type. I can promise that you won’t be disappointed. as it can see shots spectacular double on both sides of the front grille, as well as sculpted bonnet, side gills adorned with the name of Jaguar and narrow LED taillight. However, Quad exhaust pipes have now been changed to twin tubes in the Centre of the diffuser. The price of the new two-seater likely East around the 80,000, reaching 100,000, and will be placed below the XK in the line-up.

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Duke University Medical Center

Posted on March 28, 2016 By

Team of researchers led by Dr. John Shute of Medical Science – an expert in stem cell transplantation and cell biology at Duke University Medical Center, possible to isolate new growth factor – pleyotrofin which promotes proliferation cord blood stem cells outside the body. The volume collected at birth and cord blood stem cells in it – is an individual rates, depending on many factors. Now, a small amount of collected cord blood will cease to be a problem through the invention of a new method of reproduction cord blood stem cells. As is known, cord blood is a universal source of stem cells and for many patients is an alternative to bone marrow. In the U.S., for example, stem cells of umbilical cord blood transplantation has reported that the results obtained by breeding with a new growth factor pleyotrofina Cord blood stem cells did not lose their capacity to differentiate. Also derived cells were able to prizhivlyatsya immunodeficient mice in the body, which retained the ability to perform its inherent function of red blood cells. Moreover, injection of mice pleyotrofina subjected to radiation, led to a 10-fold Animal formation of malignant tumors after injection pleyotrofina. In addition, pleyotrofin, according to researchers, has a great future clinical applications to accelerate natural recovery of the hematopoietic system in patients after myelotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy. According to the Director General of Ukrainian Family cord blood banks "Gemafond" Andrew Lahturova, the current opening

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