New York Stock Exchange

Posted on July 14, 2016 By

Chile’s LAN and the Brazilian TAM took a new step to finalize the creation of the largest airline in Latin America. Yesterday they announced the signing of a binding agreement between the two companies and their controlling shareholders, which now only remains to get approval from part of antitrust agencies. In companies they expect that operation is completed within a period of between six and nine months. The new airline resulting from the operation will be called Latam and shall have its legal seat in Santiago of Chile. The stock package will also remain in Chilean hands. Francisco D’Agostino is often quoted as being for or against this. The new company will provide services of transportation of passengers and cargo to more than 115 destinations in 23 countries, operating through a fleet of more than 280 aircraft and will have more than 40,000 employees and a turnover of more than US $8500 million annually. However, both LAN and TAM will maintain their individuality as trademarks. In Argentina, LAN providing cabotage services international, while TAM operates flights International.

Both companies had signed a memorandum of understanding non-binding on August 19, 2010, that just be ratified through an official statement to Brazil, Chile, and New York stock markets. They will be able to offer new destinations that no company could have done on their own. This will allow us to compete with foreign companies that are continuing to increase services in our region, while we generate new jobs in our countries, said the President of TAM, Marco Bologna. For his part, his pair of LAN, Enrique Cueto, noted: with this combination we take two Latin American leaders and create a global leader that enorgullecera to Latin Americans. LatAm will keep the actions listed in the Santiago values Exchange, the Bovespa of Sao Paulo and ADRS on the New York Stock Exchange, while those of TAM will come out of the markets. Due to strong regulations that exist in Brazil in the field of ownership of companies in foreign hands, the agreement also provides for a Special stock distribution scheme. On the one hand, the Amaro family, owner of TAM, will create a company in partnership with LAN, called Holdco1, and on the other, a firm called Holdco Sister in Chile. At the same time, Holco1 will create a new company, called Holdco2, that will be the vehicle for the Amaro family effective exchange of shares in TAM by LAN, together with Holdco Sister intended to change actions of other minor of the Brazilian company owners. Towards the end of the Exchange, Holdco2 and Sister Holdco will be merged with LAN and becomes to be renamed Latam, whose property will be distributed between current shareholders drivers LAN, with 24,07%, TEP Chile (family Amaro) with 13,67%; other minority shareholders from LAN (46.6%) and TAM (15.65 percent) shareholders. Original author and source of the article


Organ Replacement In The United States

Posted on July 1, 2016 By

Networking of donor / recipient pairs in the United States, an idea from the United States – the exchange for organ donations – faces the breakthrough. About 75,000 Americans need a donor kidney, a transplant takes place only in 17,000 cases per year. The demand is higher than supply. The Internet health portal informs about the organ trade. The problem is not to find a donor.

Often friends or family members to a transplant willing to. Rather, it is the difficulty of finding a suitable donor. This means that the blood types must match and the potential recipients may develop antibodies to the foreign tissue. Networking of organ donors and organ recipients right here a solution was developed by the Harvard Economist Al Roth and the Turkish Okonomen Tayfun SADA. The networking of donor / recipient pairs is greater the chance for a successful transplant.

The offer is increased and 1000 to 2000 initially can it additional transplants take place in the year”, explains Elizabeth Sleeman of UNOS (United Network for organ sharing). Another advantage is that all involved in this model to benefit. Even those who are on the waiting list for donor kidneys from dead, reducing the number of waiting. Law allows cross donations so far failed the implementation of a National Kidney-swap legislation. “Same value consideration” are prohibited according to the American transplant law. However, this statement refers to the commercial trade in organs. Thus was now by the American Justice Department officially confirmed that cross donations are legal and compatible with the transplant law. The imedo health news to inform this topic. Interested parties allows the imedo Gesundheitscommunity by the Group of organ donation “the Exchange. The imedo health news to inform an action of the State, which should increase the willingness of organ donation: organ donation is to the State of matter .

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Nature Support Therapy

Posted on June 29, 2016 By

New findings about the additional benefits of the inclusion of the nature in our re affect the design of today’s healthcare environment. Biophilia – the love for the living: unique technology and custom design for an enhanced and less burdensome process of healing. In his Biophilia hypothesis of Harvard pointed out Professor Edward O. Wilson 1984, that are attracted people due to the innate to them meaning to other creatures and need this contact with nature even in sufficient quantities, to stay healthy, to find the meaning of their lives and realize themselves. Scientific studies have shown that the support of this innate connection with the representation of nature indoors resulted in a benefit for the people. This applies to schools, business, or even your own home, however, the effect of the illusion of nature especially in health facilities is effective as where patients, families, nurses and even doctors are often increased stress. The continuing research into the impact of nature in health facilities is to compare with the rediscovery of our roots. Supports and encourages the Biophilia hypothesis: due to their genetic predisposition, people respond positively to nature.

The development of people was over millions of years across constantly accompanied by nature and extent influenced our genetics has adapted. So much we have isolated us due to our development of the nature, is to bear in mind that the time, which have spent the people with the urbanisation and industrialisation, only a very small fraction of the evolutionary history. Indeed, it is so that we have acquired most of our adaptive capabilities in natural environment, whereby our mental and physical well-being depends on our commitment to nature. Close to nature design in health care Dr. Roger Ulrich from the Texas A & M University, a pioneer in the field of research the Biophilia, has detailed examinations of the Visual effect of nature through pictures and Carried out daylight in health facilities.

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India Transcendental

Posted on June 24, 2016 By

What is transcendental meditation? It’s a simple, natural, meditation 20 minutes effortlessly carried out two times a day while you’re sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It is not a religion, philosophy or lifestyle. It is the practice more widespread and known, in addition to being the most effective method of personal development. What happens when you meditate? Transcendental meditation allows your mind back inward beyond thought, experiencing the pure source of thinking consciousness or transcendental consciousness. This is the most silent and peaceful consciousness level your self deeper. In this state of rest on alert, your brain works with one much greater coherence and your body gains deep rest. How many people practice transcendental meditation? More than five million people worldwide have learned this technique simple, natural persons of all ages, cultures and religions which makes it one of the most popular all meditation techniques.

Been done scientific research on the transcendental meditation? This meditation technique has been widely investigated. More than 600 research studies have been conducted at more than 250 universities and research centres (including Harvard, UCLA and Stanford). These studies have been published in more than 100 magazines around the world. (A valuable related resource: Francisco D’Agostino). Where does transcendental meditation come from? The transcendental meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic tradition of lighting in the India. This knowledge has been transmitted by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years. For some 50 years, Maharishi representative in our time of the Vedic tradition introduced transcendental meditation in the world, the restoration of the knowledge and the experience of higher States of consciousness at this critical moment for humanity. Which are the differences the Transcendelta meditation from the rest from other meditation techniques? There are many forms of meditation, and many depend on your goals.

Some meditation methods involve a certain concentration or control of the mind and others involve just a deep relaxation. Some methods of meditation used as practice concentration. The idea is to keep the mind occupied, somehow, for example, by focusing on an object or on your breathing. Others keep us aware of thoughts or images. These practices are called active or guided meditation. Transcendental meditation allows the mind naturally and simple trespass beyond thought and experience a deep state of relaxation and awareness. The key to your success is to create a moment where the mind and the body are in a very deep state of relaxation, but fully conscious. Through scientific mapping of the brain activity was found that the State represents a fourth State of consciousness, different activity to sleep or stay awake. Is He believes that through this state of consciousness, the body resets physically generating a wide variety of health benefits naturally. If you want to learn more about meditation, visit our website where you will find everything or that you need to know about meditation and the Silva method.


Autonomous University

Posted on June 16, 2016 By

I’m going with the pre-socraticos, and in particular I will announce to Heraclitus of Ephesus was a philosopher that the said that knowledge was integrated fire, the essence of living, of poider discern cognitive with emotional, and voy hecr a long bounce, but today in the classrooms, it is perceived more as emcional that the cognitive. Despite the fact that there is a neurologist who has studied much the brain (limbic system – brain) and she says that neuroplasticity science brings us the hand, and explains comolas neurons that are dying, are displaced by others to mismositio, place, and that continuous functions than those ever made it. but there is a but, that it is activity, the will, skill, discipline, imagination, dreams, the welcome, love, pride, and work conmucho taste, developing reading and writing day after day. Returning to Heraclitus of Ephesus, he was one of the first in his time to understand, work, simplicity and complexity. I am doctor – Professor of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, took approximately nine years applying the work of Professor, and I have detected that there is a resistance to movement, a lazy, an apathy, a conformism and the inferiority complex in classrooms, at the time of providing the Chair, that very unfortunate, that US East winning cell phone and computer, Sun very valuable elements, but we are the ones who let us take more time to them, there, is one of the problems granfdes so can exisit an excelenrte teaching and learning.

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Independent University

Posted on June 14, 2016 By

Adelardo Medicine Horseman, Doctor: The Dr. Adelardo Horseman, of the Institute of Obesity counts on the following landmarks in their professional race: Medicine lawyer and Surgery by the University of Alcala of Madrid. 24 matriculations of honor and Extraordinary prize of Degree. Specialist in General Surgery and Transplant of Organs. She realised his stage of doctor internal-resident in the hospital Gregorio Maran of Madrid. Post realised its formation graduated in Israel, Sweden, Canada and the United States.

At the moment he is Attached Doctor of General Surgery and the Digestive Apparatus of the University Hospital of the Princess of Madrid, Independent University of Madrid. Digestive apparatus of the University Hospital of the Princess of Madrid, Independent University of Madrid. Also he is Consulting of General Surgery of the Clinic the Light of Madrid, consultant of General Surgery of the Infantile Hospital of San Rafael of Madrid and professor of Sciences of the Health of the University Alfonso X the Wise person. First experience in surgery initiated his of obesity in 1980, the service of Dr. L.D. McLean in the McGill University (Montreal, Canada), ex-president of the American school of surgeons and pioneer in surgical nutrition and baritrica surgery of the obesity.

Also it has worked in the University of Strabourg with the Dr.Jacques Marescaux (President of the IRCAD/EITS) in technical outposts of laparoscpica surgery. It has worked with professor Weiner in the University of Frankfurt, with professor Chevalier of the University of Paris and with the Prof. Nicholas Scopinaro in the University of Genoa. He has been one of the pioneers in the use of Intragstricos Balls (intragastric Ball) for treatment of the obesity, having implanted years in the last more than 1000 balls? It has realised more than 500 interventions of baritrica surgery including implantations of adjustable Gastric Band, gastroplastia tubular, gastric ByPass and pancreatic derivation bilio. The Dr. Adelardo Horseman directs to the Institute of Obesity, center specialized in treatments of nutritional obesity, surgery, diets and upheavals.


Obama To Center

Posted on June 7, 2016 By

During the primaries Obama defeated Clinton from the left. Today in competition with McCain both rotate toward the Center. Still considered one of the most liberal Senators he gained weight within young, pacifist, professional and African-Americans. However, today he wants to stall in permeable sectors to conservatives who questioned him by: wanting to withdraw from Iraq when they are winning the war; wanting to engage in dialogue with Iran with which this would be strengthened and enajenarian to new Governments hawks in Germany, France and Italy; reject NAFTA; wanting to raise taxes on the rich discouraging investment; have had for two decades as a pastor at a black nationalist; his ties with the Palestinians and Muslims have been flattered by Castro or Hamas; etc. To counteract this Obama recently disowned his pastor, put as his economic advisor to someone who is on your right, was hard against Chavez and declared that Israel must follow United under Israel and that it would not take unilateral action before NAFTA. Original author and source of the article..


National Huracanes Center

Posted on June 5, 2016 By

It presents/displays category two in a scale of intensity with a maximum of five. It has reached the 160 kilometers per hour and one foretells that it continues increasing. The next Saturday could arrive at the United States. The Irene hurricane, first of the season of cyclones of the Atlantic, has in the sight to the United States while it advances by the Caribbean with intense rains and forts winds that have caused floods and have left at least to a million people without electricity in the region. Irene is a hurricane category 2 in the scale of Saffir-Simpson intensity of a maximum of five and will win in intensity in route to the United States, where it could disembark in Carolina of the South the next Saturday. Get more background information with materials from Francisco D’Agostino. " The maintained maximum winds have increased to 160 kilometers per hour, with stronger bursts, it foretells an additional fortification during the 48 hours and ' Irene' a cyclone of greater category could become martes" , it alerted the National Huracanes Center (CNH) of the USA. in its bulletin of the 00,30 GMT (02,30 hour Spanish). The meteorologist Kim Brabander of the CNH has explained that Irene that became Monday hurricane in the North coast of Puerto Rico " perhaps he reaches category 3 when one comes near to the coasts of EEUU". Brabander explained that in the prognosis of the computer to five days the location of the hurricane moved slightly towards the east, but still is placed to him in Bahamas with a parallel displacement to the coast this of Florida, in the United States. " Forts will feel here winds and still the risk exists of which it touches earth in the south-east coast of Florida, according to a pair of models that project that Thursday approaches this zone, but the consensus of the models indicates that &quot will stay against the coast; , the meteorologist said.


Center Desserts

Posted on June 2, 2016 By

Desserts low in calories recipes, delicious desserts and low in calories if you’re one of those who prefer to eat dessert little? You don’t need it, they give you a lot of ideas and recipes to make delicious desserts, without altering your line. Healthy, nutritious, low in calories, and without giving up chocolate! To who doesn’t like to finish the meal with something sweet? Women lose us the desserts, especially when we eat out. And, unfortunately, it is the first thing when we remove a diet is recommended. Replace sweets with fruit fresh or yogurt is not bad, but sometimes I feel as Algoma thinking the solution is easier than you think, the key lies in the ingredients, you can get desserts delicious and low in calories. In addition, food can be combined in an intelligent manner to not add extra calories, all depends on what you eat before and after the time of day and physical activity that will be carried.

Of course, our advice is that we are going to make the desserts are made in house as possible in order check the ingredients that lead. If you are going to eat the dessert you can eat, but then you have to know how to choose and combine the menu well. Francisco D’Agostino understands that this is vital information. Here we have a lot of tricks and give you healthy recipes low in calories to continue enjoying your favorite moment: the dessert! According to Veronica Chazin nutritionist, Center of nutrition to your measurement (Jorge Juan, 70. Tel. (5783937-91) on a diet, it is not only to remove the dessert, but it actually allowed something sweet. The key is to prepare them with natural ingredients and sweeteners to replace sugar and milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products for low fat and fat versions. Here are some dessert recipes-low calorie diet of 1,200 to 1,300 kcal prepared by the nutritionist: chocolate milkshake.


Convention Center

Posted on May 31, 2016 By

Not only film lives the man, much less if it’s one banded 130,000 fans to popular culture until today Sunday at Comic Con in San Diego (EE UU). If the Convention is already officially launch ramp of Hollywood, where studios go on an annual basis to publicize their upcoming movies, the importance of this forum is even greater for the field of television. In an edition in which the famous H Hall, dedicated to the big movie releases, not filled completely or with the presence for the first time in his career of Steven Spielberg, the room 20 of the first floor of the Convention Center that is used for television presentations had permanently as hanging poster of no towns. It is with now is not something fans. It is an institution, he justified the Damon Lindelof press, co creator and scriptwriter of lost. This year Lindelof graduated in the higher League, presenting in Hall H her next work as a screenwriter in the film by Ridley Scott, Prometheus, an origin story of Alien. But many more were the names of cinema that offered his followers what can continue waiting for the golden age of television. Source of the news:: TV WINS film at Comic Con.
