National Identity
The fear is one of the factors that define of form clearer that than we called the national identity. One talks about to what things a society is scared to him, that not always are the same fears that from the power are tried to seed to inhibit the identity. Indeed, when thousands of people are threatened simultaneously within a certain political regime, the threat and the fear characterizes the social relations, affecting the conduct of the citizens brings back to consciousness and. The daily life becomes. The human being becomes vulnerable. The conditions of the material survival are affected.
The essential possibility of undergoing pain and suffering, loss of loved people, losses in relation to the meaning of the own existence or the death arise. One induces the society to be scared of its surroundings, as a form to control the impulses of its members. The definition in the dictionary of miedo" " is conceptualizada like one; Distressing disturbance of the spirit by a risk or real damage or imaginario". This meaning clarify the fact that in Venezuela we live surrounded by imaginary fears, and is in those fears where politicians and mass media find Filo’n of where to obtain majors benefits. A fear that is transformed into culture and that it has referring powerful in the recent history of the humanity. Revolution cultural" of Mao he is one of them. During one decade, of 1966 to 1976, year of the death of its impeller, the Chinese political system was sent to the chaos initially, soon to become paralyzed completely. For the authors of the book " Mao" s Last Revolution" , MacFarquhar and Schoenhals The Belknap Press of Harvard, Cambridge, 2006 – China that we have today never had been able to get to exist, of not being because Mao destroyed the one that was, that is to say: the one that the Comunism it had forged carefully during almost two decades.
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The EasiRetail GmbH is dedicated to the retail industry. Usingen, February 3, 2010 – the EasiRetail GmbH (, the new subsidiary of EasiRun Europe GmbH (, devoted to the retail industry. Together with Argility Ltd., an innovativen internationalen software development company, offers solutions for ProMInent trading company and its trading and sales at the POS ( The modern feature-rich box office software ActiveRetail is suitable for retailers of a wide range of size, is generally easily based on the existing technical infrastructure and support existing systems in the field of ERP or financial with its modern application architecture. EasiRetail offers all services in the context of the implementation of new software: business analysis, consulting, project management, implementation, integration, roll out, support, and training. EasiRetail is exhibitors by Toshiba TEC ( at the EuroCIS 2010 ( Europe’s leading trade fair for IT and security in trade – A 64 in Hall 14 booth contact: EasiRun Europe GmbH Claudia service b Stockheimer track 20 61250 Usingen 06081 phone 916030 fax 06081 916049 E-Mail:.
Ideological World
Moreover, one includes its positioning, its vision of world ideological. One also includes the knowledge of the regularidades of the language, the handling of the underlying structures, at last, domain of a grammar of the text. E, mainly, includes it discursiva progression, warranting of the cohesion and the coherence of the responsible text and for the distinction a simple ones accumulated of phrases enters and an organized set logically and semantically. READING AND LITERAL PRODUCTION Ahead the speculations about the intertextualidade, the reading and the literal production, are verified that the reading concept is current restricted the decipher of lingusticos signs, that is, of the writing, however this process of reading of – in way to a description-social process that intervenes with the global formation of the individual, perfazendo themselves thus a magnifying of its social capacities. Historically, to know to read and to produce a text, mean to not only possess bases of a basic education for the life and adequate survival the condition human being, making possible the development of the intellectual facultieses and spirituals, but relating these with physical aptitudes, making possible integration accomplishes of the individual with its society.
The improvement of the reading and the literal production is observed ahead to the evolution of the times, since reading and interpreting of contextualizada form the written production it will be carried through of conscientious and not mechanized form. The process of letramento of – erroneamente in our society, in way that if the so only summarizes insignificncia of the decoding of the lingusticos signs or when learning for learning, being that the majority of the scholars pragmatic and functional ends are limited it for determined contexts, if not accomplishing as well as readers and critical and conscientious literal producers of its action ahead to a multifaceted reality, with innumerable vises of world. Creating thus myths about the reading and the production of texts.
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Classification Tasks
But often we can not do an adequate (Sufficient for the application) model. These cases arise when we want to give very accurate answers to difficult questions. While our model does not help us in the decision or gives a wrong prediction, it is a sure sign of its inadequacy. And in this case it is necessary to improve it. At this point, and helps to science, because science is a social experience of previous generations, which contains a set of models in the form of theories (the name says it not true, but only a guess). And the main thing here is not a complete return to one theory, but rather study a few. This will broaden your understanding of important aspects of the simulation. In this case you have formed a new model, which probably is a combination of previous and studied, perhaps it will exist in your mind away from the old model.
In any case, the new model is closer to reality, and its subjectivity approaching objectivity. And although we understand that will never achieve absolute objectivity, we can still improve the understanding of the world, which would entail the important knowledge, the correct prediction, and as a consequence competent management. It should also be noted that the basis of the classification model is adequate. Adequacy refers to the possibility to solve tasks with the help of this model. It is logical to assume that the more more tasks, the more difficult model, and hence for these tasks need to know, but do not necessarily know it to smaller ones.
North America
This, that was easy for the people who lived near the Mexican coast and which they were experienced to sail, was impassable for the Chibchas. But we give by proven, for a moment, the conclusion of Brinton: tribes of the town chibcha they emigrated of the high plateau towards the North and went to settle down near the Atlantic Coast, in the isthmus of Panama and Costarrica. Soon from where they came then the Chibchas? It was not of the Earth of the Incas, since Brinton says that " there are many satisfactory reasons to think that the first Quichas appeared in the South America in the North end that they occupied lately (Ecuador), and who the course of its migration went constantly of North to Sur." They did not descend the Chibchas from slow the Exempt ones, nor from the Scyries, winners of these, that said to have arrived at the coast of Ecuador, coming from the Northwest by sea, embarked in rafts. They did not enter either by the East of Venezuela, with whose Barbarian tribes have not been them affinities of any class. They were, then, original of the North America, and probably left from the Mexican territory.
Some of their biases finished to their long peregrination in Costarrica and the part the northwest of the isthmus of Panama, where they settled down; others they continued sailing the Southeast and by the Magdalena river the interior of the New Kingdom of Granada. This is at least what it seems more probable to us, and what is more in agreement with the facts. If the Chibchas, the Talamancas, Chiriques and Guaymes had a same origin, first they did not return to communicate with the three last ones, and the art took different way between these two great divisions from the family, in the long centuries that passed from their separation.
The Gold Price Goes Up After Obama
The performance of gold has risen again after Obama’s re-election. The re-election of U.S. President Barack Obama has had a very positive in some areas. Among other things, could benefit from the price of gold and climbed after the new election of the President. Quite a few experts even believe that re-election is still persistent effect on the gold price, so that in the next few weeks and months continue to rising gold prices could be expected. Obama’s election affects positively the gold value development while most experts assume that the price of gold in an election expected to fell Mitt Romney, has exactly the opposite occurred after the re-election of Barack Obama. Not only the current Gold value development is positive, but some experts anticipate a positive trend in the medium term. In the last month (October 2012) achieved the gold award the highest level for almost a year, and rose up to just under 1,800 US dollars.
The occasion for this price increase was among the Announcing the US Federal Reserve to pump still more money in the market”, more than half a trillion US dollars. Obama’s victory is now so from point of view of the experts, that is expected to continue more money in the market will be redirected. More money means higher inflation but also, which is almost always positive for the gold price. Gold price rises not only because Obama is on the rise in the gold price after the victory of Obama a relatively short-term response, so this reason alone should not cause that the gold price will develop positively also in the coming months. There are some other factors that could also cause, that the gold price will remain at least stable and probably even rise. A further clue could be for example that some central banks currently increasingly buy gold, what rise the price of course. In addition also the very small or partially negative real interest rates will contribute to that investor gold as are looking for alternative investment. While there is currently no major crisis, however, not only the political situation, but also the economic situation in the global scope is very tense.
Therefore, the markets are afraid of crises is expected to continue. The fear of the markets has resulted in turn gold in the past almost always escape in the currency crisis. Also, some critics assume that the age of the paper currencies could be soon over. Also, such predictions”instill the fear and strengthen the positive trend of the gold price. Shockingly, for example the number is that the value of the American dollar – measured by its purchasing power – has fallen about 200 years to more than 90 percent in the past. Gold has, however, still the same buying power as 200 years ago.
Federal German
Some of them specialize in particular industries or functional groups, regions, defined recruitment media or on certain grades. According to an estimate of the BDU 3, a total of approximately 11,000 employees in the personnel consulting in Germany are busy. We speak here of a young industry, which has already lost some economic fluctuations. Last followed under the sign of the economic crisis two painful years on the Lehmann broke, but is just in the last year the industry with an estimated turnover of about 1.55 billion to a new “all time high” has grown. So why complain at a high level? I’m quite of the opinion that the recruitment industry with active sourcing another Has growth potential. However, some parameters will evolve. With the growing competition of providers, the at the same time diminishing number of workers and the ‘new’ methods in the recruitment, the quality standards of the company and of the candidates is growing.
Therefore, creativity and adaptability are needed. A pure CV collect and lots to send to potential companies will soon no longer be possible. Therefore it will have there hard the industry, where she had used increasingly on volume-based “CV trading”. Companies will increasingly distance themselves from and evaluate the quality of service and genuine advice share more. This will eventually lead that the recruiters constantly professionalise themselves, probably it accompanied increasingly specialize. It going to know-how (if necessary industry knowledge), but also to network and relationship management. Instead of to match only the professional competence of candidates for specific vacancies, the recruitment intensified again in their Parade discipline: relationship management. The comprehensive fit between candidate and client is emphasized.
Candidate and personnel consultants constitute a team. While companies naturally have an interest in cost-conscious set even top talent, the consultant has a torque equal interest to the candidates – maximise corresponds to maximize in the content in the pro-rata percentage fee. Therefore want to and him are above-average candidates still rely on a consultant, serious giving him an appreciation, but also confidently informed, if he “crosses the bow”, so that the candidate in the recruitment process can always save face. Long-term relationships will grow. It involves the relationship of trust between the candidate and the consultant. Recruiters know their candidates in a fairly authentic size, here, candidates in the conversation can say openly what moves them, what motivates them, is what important to them. As a candidate, you would the internal recruiter but not always exactly the same share with as a consultant of you can trust, or? Even if it only small differences are… Conclusion: Of course the “Active Sourcing” trend will continue. Of course, there will be positions successfully occupied it. Of course, this will lead to a change in personnel consulting. But this trend can replace whole-value a high quality consulting either for candidates or for company. This trend must not degenerate into the mainstream before one can see here even an opportunity for recruiters. 1 Results of the ICR social media recruiting report 2013 2 results of the ICR social media recruiting report 2013 3 Federal German management consultant Association
An Outlook For Europe And Its Banks
The crisis has mixed feelings at the lookout post-2012 Europe firmly in hand. It had started with the impending sovereign default of the Member country of Greece, but as it turned out, very soon, the problems festered very much deeper than you thought to himself. Now, the heads of Government of the eurozone Member countries try desperately to look for solutions and suggestions for improvement. Particularly Italy, Spain and Greece are among the problems of the Monetary Union. But even Germany or France, the most stable economies in the Union, weakening rapidly. In the past week, a further euro Summit in Brussels should bring a little light in the dark, but the increasingly negative attitude of Britain did little conducive, to improve the situation in the euro area.
Already at the beginning of the year 2011 Jurg Zeltner, who is working as CEO at UBS wealth management, had to keep in mind given that is to be expected that decisions by Governments or central banks lead to trade and currency conflicts this year could. That the crisis would be however so massively, himself he has can not see. Now the rating agency threatens to standard & poor’s a number of eurozone countries, which were still considered relatively stable, with the downgrading of its credit rating. Among other things also France and Germany are among the countries concerned. As a reason, the increased insecurity and the inability of countries is called to deal with the debt crisis in the eurozone.
If a country in its credit rating is downgraded, so it is difficult to get to the capital markets on favourable terms of fresh money for this. But with the threat of downgrading of some countries, it is still not done. Meanwhile S & P has threatened more banks, also to minimize their creditworthiness. These include Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, as well as many French banks. As the EU itself, including the European Investment Bank EIB, the objectives of the European Union by long-term financing is in the sights of credit rating agency promotes sustainable investment, as well as the Development Council of Europe Bank CEB, which promotes inter alia projects in education, environment and health with special-purpose loans. About a month it is now, that S & P the threats has pronounced, which means that the Agency will decide on the future of the creditworthiness of countries and institutions within the next 90 days. At the turn of the year, the situation has calmed down somewhat. The messages are no longer determined by bad news from the financial world and also by shocking news about State Bank rots, we were spared in the last few weeks. Pull up on United Kingdom all EU States together and can sprout in hope. Beginning of 2012 the markets are, that a stable, albeit will be not successful, new year. Anika Ganesh for OMR UK
The Center
Who resides behind that one face? Who breathes under that one name yours? It surprises verte to me to appear whenever I need a support. It troubles to me to feel that, at some time, I am going to begin to necesitarte more of the normal thing. But to continue being frank, I am not going to prevent it. It pleases each to me of your gestures. Today I began to write this because, one assumed that, it had to relieve a thought. But when seeing me writing, the things have become clearer and simultaneously confused, finishing mixing the diverse shades of a rainbow. I cannot think that it goes to write the things that come to me at the top, I will do but it although everything santo day I have been trying to deny them, time and time again.
It asked to me, What could try to write that it is significant for you? What would have to shape to seal now this one for always? How I can make to avoid that you forget a day to me? To avoid that it falls to the forgetfulness with my letters and words. I suppose that only I have left to hope. Nobody offer in the feeling, in the memories nor in the emotion, that is like asking to control rain, the climate and the stations. How beautiful stars are shown by my window! I do not know why I imagined that, would be perfect that you were here for seeing them, to see them with me. In the heat of to get late yesterday in the source of the center, I put myself to watch flowing of the water, the leaves of the trees that rocked themselves next to the wind, and the people who journeyed. Memory to me to have approached until a bank and to seat to me. Also it wishes that you were there. And at night, when going by a special pizza I imagined that with me you were.
The life has changed to me in so just a short time! And everything by a gesture, by small details and some minutes of your time. I do not have nor the smaller idea of how this one history can finish, but an opportunity of acompaarte would be granted to me, I assure to you that it would do I touch whatever could so that you were happy the time that we were together. I cannot think it has written that it! It will be better than you do not see this one letter. What you will be able to think of me? Nevertheless, it does not matter what thinks or it is stopped thinking, because when you assume the commitment that marks to like and to take care of an affection, already it is a privilege. Quererte already is amarte. For that reason I assume with responsibility the gift that gives the life me, this one privilege my privilege of amarte.