SCAF National Salvation
Ten months after the mobilizations in January-February of 2011 that toppled the hated dictator Hosni Mubarak, a third wave of demonstrations and clashes with the security forces struck close to Tahrir square flagship. This new wave of protest began on December 16 when military police tried to violently evict a group of protesters who demanded the resignation of first Minister Kamal Ganzouri and the Government of the Supreme Council of the armed forces (SCAF). During five days a crowd composed of young people, women and control of employees resisted fierce escalating repressive military regime that left a provisional toll of 14 dead and more than 800 wounded. Images of soldiers dragging a woman, tapping it on the floor and stripping the torso, ended up popping the popular anger. December 20, around 10,000 women marched through the streets of Cairo to repudiate the actions of the army and demand the end of the reign of SCAF. According to the Chronicle of the New York Times, the historians consider that this mobilization which joined Islamist and secular women was the biggest demonstration of women in Egyptian modern history, the most significant since a March in 1919 against British colonialism opened women’s activism in the country and a rarity for the Arab world (NYT, 21-12-11).
Undoubtedly, scene of a traditionally depressed sector, women entering is unmistakable expression of the depth of the revolutionary process. Once again, the attempt to crush by military means to cutting-edge sectors that remain in Tahrir square, away from the broad masses, ended up failing. Before the forcefulness of the pictures showing abuses and repressive violence, politics of the army accusing demonstrators infiltrated from Mubarak and counter-revolutionaries is was diluted. The forcefulness of the mobilized women and the message of the Government of the United States, its main ally and BRA, which made them know that through Hillary Clinton they were going through the relationship of forces, led to it mistook coincidentally. SCAF tries to proceed normally with a new phase of the legislative elections, which were restarted on December 21, but according to the local media, with one turnout much lower than the two previous elections. However, this has not been sufficient to close the crisis. A new mass mobilization is convened for Friday 23rd, meanwhile followed clashes and protests. The latest demonstrations broke out only a month that tens of thousands of Egyptians came to the streets against the attempt of the army to perpetuate itself, through supraconstitucionales clauses that guarantee right of veto, as the main institution of the State and the regime, allowing, in the best cases, the establishment of a democracy mentored as cover for military power.
Tenerife Islands
The Canary Teobaldo Power Quartet offers the public of Marrakech a spectacle of Chamber music. One of the main sets of Chamber of the Canary Islands, formed by professors of the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife, and that performs an intense promotion of creative activity in the archipelago, which has led him to show his art in places as diverse as New York, Tokyo, Beijing, Chicago or Toulouse. After the success achieved, the new appointment will be at the Cervantes in Marrakech (Morocco). This initiative, supported by the Government of the Canary Islands through the event program, has close collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes, which puts at the disposal of the Canarian culture different auditoriums of its branches around the world, as well as other relevant cultural institutions. On this occasion, the Quartet Teobaldo Power presents the show sounds of the Canary Islands, which combines works by Canarian composers from several eras with the silbo gomero language, this form of ancestral language in Marrakech that has been recognized recently as Intangible Cultural heritage of humanity by Unesco.
Likewise, becomes tribute to the great Rafael Arozarena Canarian poet, recently deceased, in a work composed especially for this occasion. Variations for String Quartet, of Enrique Guimera; Five nannies, Luis Cobiella; String Quartet of rope, Dori Diaz Jerez, and experiences of the 29?, Jose Brito, will be parts that will sound in Toulouse, alongside the work of Commission eloge from the vitesse.Thumbnail for String Quartet, of Juan M. Marrero, who lived their world premiere in the first stage of this tour.
Ayelt Komus
Dr. Komus performs in conversation with can do. Project management tools must be easy and intuitive to use due to their functional specialization back properties such as integration effort, combining ability and the interfaces to other systems with project management tools in the foreground, so Prof. Dr. Komus. On the other hand, these tools as social software must”convince, easy and intuitive to use. Of course speed ever closer time budgets is of greater importance also the factor”, he stressed. A good thing, which is also fun is Prof.
Dr. Komus content responsible for the first German championship in project management. The idea of the project management Championship got me immediately. Many factors blend beautifully with the project management philosophy represented by me”, He explains. The competition is a further contribution to preparing the ground for a meaningful project culture. So a good thing at the same time is fun”, as Prof. Dr.
Komus. There is more information about the German project management Championship see: the full interview with Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus find under: about Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus ( teaches Koblenz ( at the University of applied sciences in the Faculty of business administration and focuses on the subjects of project management and business process management. The company-specific design of project management methodologies with training and tools is just his wealth of experience as the responsibility and planning of various IT-related and IT neutral major projects. Prof. Komus is one of the first social media approaches became an integral part of modern project management. About can do GmbH Munich can do GmbH ( has a project intelligence can do Project management software by special power developed. Among other things, the tool characterized by efficient resource management, its ease of use, a quick and easy implementation, a realistic project management as well as a reporting system and functions for controlling risk. In addition, the software offers numerous functions for the management of project portfolios. The multi-project management tool can do provides real added – value for companies regardless of industry, platform or size. Can do trust throughout Europe to well-known companies and institutions such as Toshiba Europe, Swarovski, the Salzgitter Stahl AG, Oerlikon Barmag, the Fraunhofer Institute in Magdeburg, the IHK Berlin or Vienna. Can do won the battle of tools 2010 “of PMI Austria, won the export Award 2008 Bavaria and medium-sized businesses in the category of ERP has been awarded in the years 2007 and 2008 with the IT innovation prize of the initiative. Press contact: Can do GmbH Christian Schneider head of press and public relations Salem 26 81371 Munich phone: + 49 89 51265-101 email:
Michael Braner
in 2008, the company achieved the first place at the Hessian innovation award and was a finalist in the innovation award of the German economy. A year earlier there were the special special innovations”of the Hessian climate protection competition industry, trade, crafts and award maker 2007″. Michael Braner, co-founder of the company and today’s Managing Director: We greatly appreciate the award of the German Chamber of industry and Day of Chamber of Commerce and the magazine impulse. It shows us that you not always simple efforts for environmental protection and energy saving in Germany with the institutions and executives are positively seen in the daily action and learn their consent.” Innovative, subsequently integrated systems for energy saving and heat recovery develop and build a sustainable electric power, gas and reduce water and chemical costs and protect the environment – this is the core competence and the business model of the Quint sdi GmbH of Hesseneck in the Odenwald. With more than 3,500 worldwide as well as in many cases assigned to installed systems and equipment for manufacturing companies saving successes of 100,000 euros within a few months is one of the company today among the leading suppliers and service providers in this area. With their extensive initial consultation, its concepts and its exact implementation the Quint sdi GmbH improves considerably the competitiveness of companies, even more so than the capital return time/amortization often at just a few months and special funding programs of public authorities with discounted interest rates can be used to finance. This was awarded for the outstanding achievements of the company in the field of energy saving and environmental protection, which include also the energy consulting and energy measurement in companies, 1996 founded and today 25 people scoring companies often.
Brazil Air
In accordance with Mendona (2007), the ticket of a system frontal is marked by the atmospheric disturbance, being to the times provoked for the expulsion of hot air, originating the front oclusa. Blacksmith (2006) affirms that, to the times the orografia can cause the retardation of a warm front or cold, becoming it stationary, that is, it loses its force and starts to move itself slowly. The fronts are classified in front Arctic/polar Antarctica and fronts. Thus, the Arctic front/Antarctica occurs through the contact of the polar air masses, mainly in the winter. Already the polar front that is strong active, separates the polar air of tropical air. This front is divided in: cold front and warm front. They characterize the dynamism of the atmosphere, therefore she exerts considerable thermal contrasts, what she determines the succession of the types of time. Of this form, the Atlantic polar front (FPA) represents great importance in the definition of the types of time and in the climatic configuration of the South America, mainly in Brazil.
Thus, the Atlantic polar mass (MPA) when reaching the south coast of Brazil, is joined with Atlantic tropical mass (MTA) it provokes much folloied rain of winds, the times extends itself arriving until the Amazon region provoking the phenomenon friagem. Cold Frente For Mendona (2007) a cold front occurs when a cold air mass that denser and more is weighed advances in direction to a hot air mass, pushing it for top and front, compelling to leave it the area, either for rise or advection. In accordance with Blacksmith (2006), it well is defined, with multiple cloud layers and when it passes for one determined region, dense and cold air takes the place of the hot air, that is forced to go up quickly, causing the cumuliformes cloud appearance. Thus, this front provokes many thunderstorms that can be folloied by hail and gust winds.
Eye Designs
It has a tendency to Historicism. The clarity, directness and symmetry”of the building shows a classical Attitude with Renaissance and Baroque jewellery designs. in 1989, this style is categorized by Professor Albrecht Mann as “New Mannerism”. Linses residential buildings are generally divided into Rustika floor, Bel etage and superposition of jewelry designs. The decorative elements are ordered by catalog. Lens continues the Kurhaus architecture founded by Jakob Couven with the redoubt with his Burtscheider Kurhaus. In many ways, he promotes the Aachen-based nature of the music. He is a member of the Rhenish Music Festival, the urban music and Theatre Committee, recreation society and Chairman of the instrumental Club.
Before the amalgamation of Aachen is lens in Burtscheid of town councillor. Eduard lens dies as a result of a stroke at the age of 54 at his home in the Bismarckstrasse 65. His survivors (wife, brother, children, etc.) to mourn in Aachen, Koblenz, Kohlscheid and Verviers. His funeral will take place three days later Thursday, December 11, 1902. 1877 factory buildings and designs: renewal of the South and West facades of the Church of St.
Nikolaus in Aachen 1877/1886: Church St. Jakob in Aachen, Jacob Street (design by Heinrich Rui Haji) 1880 1881: Villa Waldthausen in Aachen, box ditch 33 1882: Villa Weyenberg in Aachen (demolished 1974) 1883-1884: Villa Jourdemayne in Aachen, Germany, Stolberg road 1883 1888: City Palace Villa Cassalette in Aachen, Wilhelmstrasse 18 1887: own House and Studio in Aachen, Bismarkstrasse 65 1887 1888: eye clinic in Aachen, Stephanstrasse 16 20 1889: Eye clinic of Marie hospital in Burtscheid 1889: Kurhaus in Burtscheid. Lens integrates the built in 1853-55 by city architect Friedrich Joseph Ark Fountain with pump room, the Victoria fountain. He shall roof structures wear out and instead placed a terrace enclosed by balustrades. The whole spa is destroyed in the second world war. 1889-1890: House van Rath in Cologne 1892: City Palais Charlier in Aachen (in the Frankenberger district) 1896 1897: Villa Erica in Aachen, II red Hague way 64 1900: Palais Barthold Suermondt(Bankhaus Suermondt, Spater Verwaltungsgebaude der) Aachen-Leipziger insurance company) in Aachen, theatre Road 9. The building is partly under monument protection. The inscription is located under the left balcony: “Was built in the year 1900” by the right: “Eduard lens architect.” 1902 administrative building for the Club for the mining interests in the upper mining district Dortmund in Essen, Friedrichstrasse 2 / Bismarckstrasse (badly damaged in the second world war, demolished 1961) several residential buildings in the Frankenberger district RMS Scrip torin, alias: pink Marita Schrouff
New York UFO Phenomenon
What is the UFO phenomenon is difficult to say. Some argue that it is the aliens who do not learn something we do not want to destroy something, not something to help … Other, with cold indifference or passionately argue that UFOs this fudge and say here strongly about. However, I do not think it wrong if I will say: if so many people are seriously discussing something, then this "something" should do. So what we have "for" theory of the existence of UFOs. The abundance of photographs (of which 84% of proven fraud) allegations of witnesses (the most interesting, in my view, the history of alien abductions told under hypnosis), cases such as UFO over New York or Leeds (which suspiciously too little discussed) well and videos like "alien autopsy", which meanwhile is also a proven forgery. Now that the "against". Of course it's not pictures or videos.
This is the logic and reasoning. Too many questions arise, if we accept the existence of UFOs as a fact. And the questions are not "political" plan (say, to start panicking and the government knows everything, but hides it.d it.p.), and purely logical. If UFOs exist, why they not come into contact? They do not want? Then why fly? It is clear that if aliens exist, they at best are not aggressive and do not seek to destroy us. Why? Well, if only because that intelligent civilization has evolved to intergalactic level or intersystem existing flights or as a whole (where no one no one fights, all live in peace and everyone is happy), or as we are in constant competition with each other (with wars, murders, violence it.d.).
Social Environment
In all the theories, the child is seen in its totality, body, emotion and thought, importance of the interactions with the social environment is noticed it, of the affectivity and them stimulatons, basic for the development of the motricidade and intelligence. Front the excellent contribution of the above-mentioned authors the psicomotricidade becomes object of study of some sciences. By dealing with the relation between the man, its body and the sociocultural environment and in which it coexists, the Psicomotricidade is based and studied for an ample scientific set De Campos, where if it can detach the Neurofisiologia, Psychiatry, Psychology and the Education, printing each one of these areas approaches that them are specific. (MELLO, 2002, p.30): Of Meur (1991, p.05), it considers that the study of the psicomotricidade it is recent, but little by little was gaining space and today it exceeds the studies of the motor problems. For the author ' ' the psicomotricidade exactly wants to detach the existing relation between the motricidade, the mind and the affectivity and to facilitate the global boarding of the child by means of one tcnica' '. In this direction, psicomotricidade searchs to educate the movement at the same time where the emotional and social aspects develop intelligence considering all.
Son (2001, p.36) defines the psicomotricidade as ' ' relation between thought and action, involving emoo' '. One is about a science that currently, in accordance with Mello (2002), is divided in three fields of performance: psicomotora re-education, psicomotora therapy and psicomotora education. The psicomotora re-education destines it the individual attendance or in small groups, of people who present: motor atony; delay and psicomotora instability; dispraxias; riots of tnus of the position, the balance or the coordination; percipient-motor deficiencies. The work after initiates the accomplishment of a psicomotor examination, where the reeducador will in accordance with work the diagnosised symptom. The psicomotora therapy destines it children, adolescents and adults, who present great disturbances and whose adaptation is of pathological order.
Consultation-intensive products (such as insurance) the customer before buying is once more info request or even a personal consultant contact. An affiliate would have little chance to learn whether the customer contact mediated by him has ever generated a sale at such a product. Probably the contact can be but transparent for both partners control. In this case, to choose the pay-per-lead model. When not consulting-intensive products where the customer quite quickly progresses to the purchase, the compensation is then after sales. Dispute about money the remuneration or still more specifically, control, what has happened to the mediated contacts, represents the biggest problem with affiliate marketing. Because the parties generally don’t even know each other and have accordingly no or little confidence to each other.
For this reason, the mediation process must be complete and transparent. No one wants to pay too much or get too little. Various, complex technical procedures are used as control. Unfortunately, none of the systems is completely free of gaps, so that it always again to in the past Dispute settlement came. But so far not diminish the success of affiliate marketing could do that. The great art is affiliate networks, to bring together the many different website owners and advertisers.
Affiliate networks like Affilinet, zanox, Adbutler or TradeDoubler offer their services (Web code, see links). Interested affiliates can choose from a variety of partner programs and apply for participation. Such networks offer the greatest advantage but certainly the merchants, who can win very many affiliates itself with new programs already after a short time, and shorten the otherwise often lengthy acquisition on a few days. For this performance, the merchants have to pay but also a Finder’s fee to the networks. Also image campaigns possible affiliate marketing can be used as well, if not the direct sale, but branding effects are needed. This can be settled in a pay-per-click mode. The affiliates will receive a Commission regardless of whether the case with every click, Customer buys anything or not. Many site operators are so access and quickly give a high coverage of the campaign.
Harry Potter
With the exception of New York, which I visited as a normal person, and which I liked. Last year, the first time I went on safari in Africa. It was a challenge (perhaps fate), as David turned only five months, but it was really wonderful. Can I help you to gain experience? – I really feel that anyone would like to help me, but to be honest, he would have nothing did not have to do. I'm just sitting in a room or a cafe and write, and I do it better than most, with no assistants. October 5, 2004.
Do you believe in fate? – No, I believe in hard work and good luck in the fact that the first often leads to the second. Do you write every day? – No. I write almost every day when I'm working on a book (like now), but to work every day – bad for my children. I love to spend time on them. Subsection "Other" You will be able to use what some of my ideas in the following the Harry Potter books? – Books have planned so thoroughly that for new ideas, there is simply no place left. Fanfiction – it is really a remarkable phenomenon, and I'm proud when I think how much ingenuity has initiated Harry Potter. Where do I send my letter to you? – My publisher, he will forward it to me.
I can play in a film? – I'm afraid I have no influence on the selection of candidates. Write to Warner Brothers. Will you sign my book? – Each of my sixty-something publisher, my agent, my friends, my family and my neighbors are constantly attacked by people who want what I would have signed his book. Honestly I could not sign all those books, even if quit working, eating and sleeping. To date, I give books autographed for charity or in very special cases. I am sorry, but I think you would be better if I write the sixth and the seventh book than spend the rest of his life, signing books from first to fifth. So please, please, please do not send me books to sign. I can not without regret, sent to look at books that are still return to the recipients.