Managing Director Robert Bayer

Posted on June 7, 2018 By

Current information for companies and candidates recruitment Bayer based in Dingolfing + Riedl has revised its corporate identity and a newly designed site on the Internet. The new website provides clear information concerning personnel services for companies and applicants and contains current job opportunities and the possibility of applying online. In recent months, Bayer has + Riedl renewed its corporate image. The new developed slogan double fair better”the strategy of the personnel service provider expresses, the two Managing Director Robert Bayer and Holger Riedl to shape the company through their personal commitment. Bayer sees itself with new presentation documents, new materials and the relaunch of the website + Riedl well equipped for further growth.

On the new homepage of Bayer + Riedl companies find the same at first glance the right contact person for your personal search. Job-seekers can search for jobs and apply directly online. Information about the by Bayer range of services provided + Riedl, as well as news from the industry, create value for visitors to the site. The personal care of companies and candidates is our focus on”, says Robert Bayer, CEO of Bayer + Riedl. Our new corporate image and the new website show that we are committed completely time work and that individuality in us is a top priority.” Vitamin11 marketing consulting is responsible for the substantive and conceptual development of corporate image, slogan and website, Web design and graphic design were carried out by Sandra Bachl layouts.


Emissions Management

Posted on June 5, 2018 By

The NADIA AG exhibits 2012 innovative (Hall 9 a. 50) Institute for energy, ecology and economy at CeBIT on the State of Bavaria from March 6 to 10. Munich/Greifenberg, February 26, 2012 – the themes are emissions management, sustainability and Green IT also on the world’s largest IT exhibition CeBIT in Hannover an increasingly larger role play. The NADIA AG Institute for energy, ecology and economy is innovative on the State of Bavaria (A50) in Hall 9 present their latest software developments for discovery, monitoring, reduction and management of CO2 emissions in transport logistics, as well as a solution for the determination of the company-wide CO2 footprint of globally operating companies. The CeBIT highlights of NADIA at a glance: FridPlatform a service-oriented architecture is the basis of the new NADIA software solutions. You acts as emission engine and associated spreadsheet logic with emission database. The flexible structure assures long-term investments of customers, since new future Standards and calculation methods can be incorporated. In addition, the structure allows also sharing with existing transport management systems (TMS) via XML, Web service or the integration into existing management systems of a company.

Logistics companies can determine quickly and easily transport emissions of your fleet in a software-as-a-service application FridLog with FridLog per shipment by truck, train, ship, plane, or for the entire fleet. The calculations be according to international standards such as the GHG Protocol or DIN EN 16258 and take into account not averages, but company-specific data. Result is a report validated by the NADIA with logo of the customer in PDF format, which guarantees the NADIA-certified for the accuracy of the calculations and meets the demand for a review by independent third parties. FridCorp offers a software solution for the creation of the company-wide carbon footprint as well as SaS solution available, according to international FridCorp Standards and the NADIA TopDown approach as well as for the CO2 management. The NADIA TopDown approach sensitive positions of CO2 are balance sheet detected, singled out and then in detail examines. In an iterative and recursive process, i.e. by repeatedly going through the stages of this process so the results can be refined gradually. So it is possible duty statements that can withstand even a scientifically-based review by stakeholders of a company to generate relatively quickly and with reasonable effort.

FridCorp taken into account not only scope 1 and 2 (emissions due to energy consumption in the company), but also as scope 3 emissions (indirect, not directly caused by the company emissions in upstream and downstream process stages), the Green House Gas Protocol. “We look forward, our solutions on the Bayern innovative CeBIT stand to present a larger and mainly international audience,” reported Dr.-ing. Thomas Fleissner, Board strategy of the NADIA AG. Latest draft of France and the thrust of the EU climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard show that the valid calculation and reduction of transport-related greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the company-wide carbon footprint will soon be a must-have. Under can obtain by phone under + 49 8192 99733 20 or via e-mail at company can meet these demands only with suitable software solutions that can be used easily and quickly,”more information,

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Dutch East India Company

Posted on June 4, 2018 By

Chaos, serenity, creativity. Feelings to the surface. The heroes, myths that are falling, but refuse to disappear. New York, crossroads, in continuous search for their identity, absorbing the roots of other cultures.New York, or the mixture of great talents from the rest of the world.Paranoia, constant schizophrenia of a city that never let love, never let you surprise. The sunsets, the flush lights, quiet idylls, fantasy, dreams, the imagination.A leisurely conversation in any cafe in Brooklyn, a lively dinner in Greenwich village. the source. Cocktails from the Hudson River, being at a concert at the legendary Madison Square Garden, or spend the night enjoying the music, legendary clud of jazz… New York, or the rebellion of John LennonNueva York, or poetry more gritty of Lou Reed, Tom WaitsNueva York, or the voice of Frank Sinatra.La photograph by Willian Klein, Weegee or Leonard Freed; raw photographs, punched in the stomach.The literature of William Styron, Henry Roth, Paul Auster or James Ellroy caught by the magic of this great city. The colony of New York was Dutch before being English.

In 1609, a ship of the Dutch East India Company, Half Moon, low orders of Captain Henry Hudson discovered a Bay superb in which flowed a beautiful River, to which Hudson gave its name. At the mouth of the River was standing in a long granite Island, which the Indians (which received Hudson, with its usual mix of gifts and arrows), called Manhattanik; the island where we had been drunk. The holandese came to a point that lies immediately beneath what is today an Albany village, New Amsterdam, was created at the tip of Manhattan. In 1621, the Dutch East India Company, obtained the right to exploit the New Holland by letter. For sixty guilders, Indians bought the island of Manhattan (excerpt from book of Andre Maurois, history of the United States) art gallery ImagineYmG ART original author and source of the Article


Presidential Decree

Posted on June 4, 2018 By

December 21, 1996 Russian President signed the Decree 1752 "On the main document, the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation", giving effect to the above documents and offering the Russian government develop and approve the designs and descriptions of the forms of these documents. Pursuant to Presidential Decree 1752 of 21 December 1996 The Government of the Russian Federation March 14, 1997 passed a resolution 298 "On Approval of the samples and descriptions of the main forms of identification documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation. " March 13, 1997 Russian President signs decree 232 "On the main document, the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. " In accordance with this decree, in effect introduced passport of the Russian Federation, which is the basic document identifying the individual citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. July 8, 1997 the RF Government Decree 828 takes "On Approval of the passport of the Russian Federation, model form and describe the passport of the Russian Federation. " The new Russian passport lost the famous "fifth point" – column "Country". In early 2001, a draft Federal law on the basic instruments identification made by the deputies of Anatoly Lukyanov and Julius Rybakov still in their tenure in the State Duma of the second convocation, was rejected. The bill provided for the indication of nationality (on request citizen) and residence (registration / registration).

The availability of these products prevented a vote for the bill most of the factions of the ATP and "Yabloko". The left and part of the group "Regions of Russia" refused to support the bill, assuming the contrary, an indication of nationality must. In addition, many deputies strongly opposed the assignment of personnel numbers and citizen carrying his passport. By the end of 2001 the text was Revised group of deputies (Boris Nadezhdin, Valery Grebennikov, and others) and re-introduced in the Duma. The main difference was the exclusion of personal numbers. Count 'nationality (by request), "as in the previous version, proposed to recover. The latter, of course, preclude the preservation of Russian passports issued today in which there is no such graphs. Accordingly, in the case of a law re-registration Passports should start from scratch.

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Posted on June 3, 2018 By

Men's fragrances now being intensively developed. Men's perfumes, colognes and toilet water rapidly filled the world market. If you do not even take your note to the huge difference in the production of male and female spirits, it is still in the will, we can find some features of fragrances for men. But what is the difference between men's and women's fragrances? Of course, the flavors are different. Most importantly, men's perfumes – it's Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Hugo Boss and other Euro brands have a difference in their composition. Most herbaceous or woody scents (singles) are in such spirits. Men's Fragrances basically seems like perfume and cologne. Men's spirits are cheaper Women, because of flavor composition does not include as many ingredients as part of their women.

Choose and buy perfume or cologne for men is much easier than women because men choose, by relying only on their sense of smell, but not on the popularity of flavor and a nice package. Women's Fragrance will not leave indifferent neither gentle heart! All major manufacturers of the world produce a wide range of women's fragrances. You can be found on various women's perfume aroma and flavor, such as fragrance Burberry, Chanel, Escada, which will underline your style and stand out. Using perfume, any girl or woman can easily express yourself from the crowd. If you good quality care and fragrances, you can always trust the spirits of fragrance Burberry, or Chanel. They are going on around you will not disregard all around just will love the flavor. This woman or girl, they always want to be irresistible luxury. Therefore, choosing the right scent, which fully reveals the image and expresses all the things no one had betrayed the values and plays an important role. Women's Fragrances always helps know the power of scents and reveal the secrets of his soul. In the shops represent various types of perfumes for men and women. Luxury Fragrances, perfumes, colognes, toilet water from manufacturers – you never did not disappoint.


Reference Bureau Elements

Posted on June 2, 2018 By

Kosourov This carrier element stairs, sloping beams, which are laid on top stairs. Kosourov are metal, wood, concrete. In this step does not necessarily run from the the same material. Bowstring carrier bent arm. Unlike Kosourov stage attached to it is not the top, but on the inside, for example, are inserted into grooves or slots. PODSTUPENOK AND TREAD so called, respectively, vertical and horizontal elements of the step. Practice proved: that the ladder was a comfortable and secure, the height of steps (risers) shall be not less than 15 cm and not more than 18 cm and a double height risers, folded with the width step (tread) should equal the average person step – 60-64 cm To developers did not break over it, the existing 'building regulations' (SNIP), the following dimensions: – for residential and public premises podstupenok height – 14,8 cm, width tread – 30 cm – for basements and attics podstupenok height – 17,1 cm, width tread – 26 cm ZABEZHNYE STAGE This stage, located continuously around the circle.

The plan (top view), they or represent a trapezoid, or triangular (have a variable width). Zabezhnye steps are performed either to save space (when you do not want to arrange the intermediate landing), or of architectural and aesthetic considerations. The main staircase is very diverse in form and requires an individual approach in the design. There is no question about the standard mass-produced designs – each such ladder should ideally fit into the interior of the house, because she has to take it a central position.

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Psychologist Sovremenoom

Posted on May 28, 2018 By

"I believe in individual people, I see the salvation of individual persons, scattered all over Russia here and there …" Anton Chekhov "… The notion of individual crowns the whole system of psychology," Leontiev INTRODUCTION The problem of the human person posed long ago. In the Socratic times it was no less relevant than it is today. Many sciences are seeking a path to person. The problem of human beings is common to all humanities.

Their solutions offering psychology as a whole and its various branches. All of her research in human cognition converge in personality psychology. Each of the branches of psychology at the proper orientation contributes to the knowledge of the person as an individual mode of operation and basis of various groups of people, from family to society as a whole. As a result of these multiple and diverse contributions of established and developing psychological personology (personalistika), with its concepts, theories, methods and practical applications. Identity issues are pivotal place in psychological science. This is due to the overall growth trends in human culture and the role played by identity in functioning of the psyche, human life and activity. The idea that personality is the highest value, and sold within psychology itself, where the personal approach is becoming more universal, more common.

In recent decades, the idea of personality are more closely associated with humanistic psychology. In this manual, the relevant ideas are analyzed in relation to the views personologicheskimi AF Lazursky, S. Rubinstein, Erich Fromm, Abraham Maslow Personality in modern psychology is regarded with various parties.

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Marketing Analyst

Posted on May 28, 2018 By

Is Kenexa recruiting for Microsoft or just data mining? I had a chilling experience the other day. A man from Kenexa called me, ostensibly to recruit me for a job in New York as a Marketing Analyst for the MSN search engine Microsoft’s new search. The first caller said he was looking for someone to do work for Fortune 400 clients. I told him I was very busy and usually against smaller customers. I did not think it would be a problem? he was very insistent to talk. I suggested that I call back, so we leave it in the air and for a couple of weeks I forgot it.

Then I called a second time, told me I had to call and schedule an interview. Basically I requested a phone interview from 45 minutes to see if it was right for the “work.” The e-mail and sent me a very generic job description that was more like a newspaper ad than anything else. Well, well, something smelled fishy the whole thing, but if it was real how could he refuse an opportunity to get some high paying jobs for Microsoft, so they agreed to the interview and set a date. The telephone interview was unlike any job interview I had to work for Fortune 400 companies in the past. He never mentioned my resume, never asked about my work experience or salary requirements, it has absolutely no interest in me as an individual or any of the questions asked are typical of a company applies when it comes to size of potential employee.


Hollywood Collections

Posted on May 23, 2018 By

A new young fashion label on the path to success. Founded in 2006, which relies on a contemporary line of luxury clothing which responds to the needs of the fashion-conscious Fashionista label Jules et Jim. Created for young, cosmopolitan women of Milan via New York to Los Angeles the label boasts playful, girlish design without leaving the portability out of eight. Finest fabrics are combined with leather. The colors range in addition to the popular colors from classic white to trendy purple. Since summer 2007, the brand is already available in selected boutiques in Los Angeles, California.

The Lea Eva Maria Millesi’s Chief Designer was inspired by long stays in the new fashion center in Los Angeles. The pieces of the collection fashionistas secrets”are reminiscent of the Hollywood lifestyle of the early sixties and lead to a glamorous trip to the hotspots of the upper ten thousand. The beach bunnies area”kidnapped on the glamorous beaches of the world and gives holiday feeling itchy feet guaranteed! The Jules et Jim team strives in detail lovingly thought-out and the respective season and celebrations to design-related collections. The collections are produced exclusively in Europe providing the highest level of quality. In addition to the popular best sellers of the previous collections, the upcoming collection is increasingly put girlish playfulness on classic cuts but also. European fashion is highly regarded in particular in the United States and asked – especially cities such as Milan, Paris and London also in the United States are considered fashion Mecca”as Chief Designer Millesi. Because the brand on the American market is leaning on the label in the future will be on the U.S. market. In Germany and Austria, the label is currently very successfully sold via the on-premises Web shop.

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Reina Sofia

Posted on May 21, 2018 By

Public works machinery is immense and Goya-other types of fences act as miniskirt inverted exhibiting them in half which I claim transient. Heavy and long strokes, but with the precision of a scalpel, us are leaving 100 km of new tunnels matching every day on the streets more than 800 ditches of repair and improvement of water, electricity, phone and gas lines. 55 Existing tunnels you will be also added another 20 of the M-30, also including two intermediate stations between Atocha and Chamartin artery main traffic of Madrid, both underground and outside-. For this reason, the Puerta del Sol takes months taken by booths of works. We will add the work of reform of the Prado Recoletos, the creation of a large space of priority axis pedestrian between Columbus and Atocha around the three major museums (Prado, Reina Sofia and Thyssen), will rise also in the ancient sport of Real Madrid the greatest skyscrapers of the capital: four towers of more than 200 meters and finally although with economic fights between government agencies enlargement of the metro to the airport. This without counting with the horrific images that are assuming dismantling of the blown Windsor building works has not much. In the same newspaper, but the 18-01-2005 we have competitive enthusiasm of another work aimed at the same goal: none of the four rivals in Madrid – New York, Paris, Moscow and London – has airport only five kilometres from where the Olympic village will be. This proximity, linked to connections by subway, commuter and road, allows the city to present the best possible projects in the transport section.

Madrid 2012 want, moreover, that yours are a few games without private vehicle to be so respectful with the environment.
