Ming Dynasty
Here the world understood as a kind of embryo, in which the combined strength of men's light – dark yang and female – yin. These two principles do not exist one without the other. "Book of Changes" has had a major impact on the further development aesthetics and Chinese art. Highly reverence book reached at the beginning of III century Qing dynasties running and Khans. While the country was united into a large centralized state, reaching borders of Korea and Indochina. Revive trade with Central Asia, Syria, Iran, the Roman Empire (the Silk Road).
With a flat metric system of weight, length, and held writing reform. Since the II century siridiny konfutsionizm established as an official religious philosophical system, but evolved and other philosophical wave. In China, Buddhism began to penetrate the school. Additional information is available at Bill de Blasio. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and scurvy (1644-1912) formed symmetrical, right Plan of the inner and outer part. In the inner center of the city was called the Forbidden City with a large imperial castle and the temple complex. Almost re-rebuilt the capital Beijing. In the arts and crafts began to dominate the product of red lacquer and porcelain. Arts & Crafts has reached such a level that created the image of China in Europe.
It is assumed that paper was invented in China in 105, in a Vlll. it fell to the Arabs, and from them spread to the West. (The first Greek manuscript of the paper, created not in Byzantium, and in Damascus, dating from 800 AD in Byzantium paper did not appear later in Xl. 1109 year dating back to ancient manuscript in Sicily, in Xlll. Paper appeared in Germany). The works of Chinese painting in Europe first appeared at the end of XVll. Not so much, they describe how much travel in that time have raised a real Chinese fashion in art. Scenic crafts have been massively and podrazhaemy imported. In particular izlyubleny lacquer ware, porcelain and sculpture, silk, fans, etc. Engraving with ornaments, furniture, even entire rooms have been decorated with scenes from the life of the Chinese. In the parks of the castle were constructed pavilions and pagodas (Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam). Far East and Lithuania. Wave modes of Orientalism did not pass, and Lithuania in XVlll-XlX. B estates and palaces in the city there were Chinese, Japanese, plates, vases, china, oriental lamps, umbrellas, furniture, Japanese paintings on silk, Chinese writing matrix. Nobles and wealthy merchants traveled to the East. Since graph BG Tyshkyavichyus in the second half of XlX. visited several times in Eastern countries, while China has Tangerine title. It is said that the Red estate near Kaunas he collected theatrical festivals and feasts. Landowner dressed in old clothes Mandarin Chinese official, sat in a carriage and servants in disguise Chinese, wore it in the park, illuminated by thousands of Chinese lanterns. It was built and kitayssky pavilion. At the end of XlXv. lived in Japan vilnyusets Nyavyardovskis, who later in Vilnius, created a local museum of oriental art. At the beginning of XlX. already had many exhibitions with examples of Eastern art. Renowned Lithuanian collectors Daumantas B., P. Galaune, A. Rachkus and others collect items of oriental art. In the Lithuanian Museum contains valuable exhibits. For example, in Siauliai Museum "Ausra" is an interesting collection of Japanese prints from the estate of Santeklov, arranged exhibitions of Eastern art.