Circulation America
So Paulo: Publishing company of the University of So Paulo, Bauru: Publishing company of the University of the Sacred Heart, 1999. BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR Ligia Maria Prado Rabbit Graduated History for the University of So Paulo (1971), defended Mestrado in Social History for the University of So Paulo (1974) and its doutoramento in Social History for the University of So Paulo (1982). Currently she is Titular teacher in History of Independent America for the University of So Paulo. She is specialist in History of Latin America, working in the intercession of the fields of History Politics, History of the Culture and History of the Ideas. She is coordinating of the Temtico/FAPESP Project: Culture and Politics in Americas: Circulation of Ideas and Configuration of Identities INTRODUCTION I have as objective to analyze, to compare and to understand the subjects of the history of Latin America, in century XIX, enclosing a vast field of the history of the culture and the ideas politics. A study that contributed for the agreement of the thematic ones centered in the importance of the participation democratic politics and of some groups, of the paper of the intellectuals and the situation of the woman in the construction of the national identities. We can perceives that the independence movement had great capitalist importance, considered the movement of foundation of the native land, but the exclusion of the women is transparent, in Venezuela, Bolivia, Mexico, Cuba and Brazil; the heroes if detach among the masculine figures; Maria Ligia the Prado showing in them, that not only the men, who could detach as main personages; therefore you enumerate workmanships of valued authors less, meets biography of heroines; becoming possible to discover much thing, on the participation of the women, in the fight for independence, appearing a new field of study, that applied extraordinary changes in the way to approach the subjects historical. .