The Subway
I greeted him and watched as he happily greets me. Tuned to all that is clean and bright, that he has, as reflected in its noble face, I began my fellowship with his soul. – You are very good and kind man, and I really like you. – Yes, you too cute to me, –…
Wall Street
By becoming the first black presidential candidate in the U.S., Obama is still a political figure who inspires devotion in his supporters, who see it as a transformative leader, while it remains inscrutable to critics. He has the gift of making people see reflected in him and offers an enigmatic smile when asked about his…
Recently The Site Check – 6 Episode: Target Group Orientation – Who Are The Readers?
At the Web site checks in the EC-M a test point also the subject ‘Objectives and target group orientation’. Who offers a site on the Internet, should be always aware, he holds its contents for whom and why he does it. Website operators should always consider what they want to accomplish with your website. Usually…
The Perception
For this author, the choice of the letters of the songs does not have to be chosen randomly, but yes, tied to the idea of relations between globalization and changes in the lived cotidianidade, or resistncias of this front to a homogeneizadora globalization. In the perception of Mosque, cited for the author in guideline, music…